
Workout supplements throwing off my body and mood?

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I was wondering...I was trying the workout supplement no shotgun.. and seemed fine.. but after the first few weeks every time I would drink it I would become moody and very mean... like I would be rude and mean to my girlfriend and after 4 hours or so it would go away and i would be fine. I original thought it was the redline in the no shotgun.. but a few days ago I drank a 5 hour energy drink.. basically a big dose of b12.. and after a few hours after I drank it I became the same way... and the same thing happened a few days after that... could it be something in the drinks that throws my body off?




  1. guitar,

    Possibly, but it depends on what else you are doing or eating, too.Are you working out when you take it? Are you eating anything else when you take it?

    Research on No Shotgun is scanty at best, so whatever else we do, we really should take its claims with a grain or two of sodium chloride. It probably doesn't do qutie what it says.

    The amount of protein it provides is not enough to cause any side effects. The label says that each serving provides 40% of your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of protein, which you can also get from a healthy steak.

    The nutritional item of interest, however, is the one following the list of amino acids (those are the "L-Leucine," etc. things): the NO2 "Insulinotrophic" stuff. You can forget the "Matrix" entry, that's just marketing. In biochemistry of this nature, Matrix means nothing.

    If this really is "insulinotrophic," then there's your answer. If you're not eating anything else, or even if you're eating as you regularly do, your blood sugar will plummet and your body will behave as if you are hungry.

    No wonder you're getting grumpy. Your brain--which needs the glucose you are now denying it--thinks you're starving.

    Your brain is an energy hog. Assuming that you are not a daily marathoner or a driven swimmer like Michael Phelps, about 20% of your blood sugar is gobbled up by your brain. Lower that amount, and you start thinking funny, just as you have been doing.

    Add to that the caffeine that it provides, and you're a grumpy speed freak.

    No wonder you become rude.

    So it has nothing to do with the protein in it, or the vitamins. It's your glucose loss.

    Tell me, if you're not working out and adjusting your diet when you drink this unnecessary stuff--and it is an unnecessary and most likely expensive drink--then why take it?

    You'd be much better off simply working out and being nice to your girlfriend. She's more important than just working out faster.

  2. Yes.Any time you drink or take something for more energy it speeds up certain parts of your body.More than likely it is raising your blood pressure making you more sensitive.

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