
Workouts? Please PLEASE help?

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I am a 15 year old girl weighing 120 pounds and 5feet 4inches. I have large hips, and some flab around the sides of my waste and i have a bit of a gut in my stomach.

I want to lose all of those area's by doing workouts in my home. I have a treadmill, and workout ball at home, as well as some weights.. but don't think weights are involved with what I want to improve on.

What are some workouts that I can do in my home, and get results fast?

Should I work out everyday? If so what time is best?

How many of each workout should I do a day (ex. 10 crunches, 30 push ups etc.)?

Please answer all the questions, and if there is any additional information you can give me or any websites I can go to, it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. 30 mins twice a day on the treadmill to start with if you aren't very active regularly,

    the workout ball can be used to work your core, your ab muscles, and you'll kind of lay on the ball and do crunches, making sure you bend forewards and backwards as far as you can with out fall off the ball,

    the weights can be useful. no more than 2 or 5 pounds and you hold them in your hands with your arms bent so your hands are over your shoulders and the weights are parallel to your feet and do squats which will work your thigh muscles which start from like above your knees and extend up to your butt so you should feel tightening in that area if you do them right

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