
Workplace hipaa violation???

by  |  earlier

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I work for a large retail outlet as a member of management and had a relationship with an employee. At the time that my employer found out, my store manager told me that if the associate did not quit, I would be fired. So he did quit. I recently returned from maternity leave after giving birth to a child with that associate. Three days after returning to work I was called into my HR and told that I was being placed under investigation because i listed the associate as the father of my child on my insurance enrollment. She then asked me to write a statement which I did, admitting to the relationship. Today I was terminated because of the statement I wrote. I believe that my rights have been violated because this company used my insurance enrollment against me. Are these papers not protected by the new hipa law or the patriot act? Please inform me as to if you think I have a case. In this matter I also believe that my store manager deliberately misinformed me by telling me the other employee had to quite, as my HR told me last week that they would have transferred him and the issue would have been dropped




  1. I work in a small office in a big healthcare organization. My daughter had surgery. In a meeting with some people I report to in my job, the surgeon's office administrator told the people in that meeting that an employee in the "and the administrator named my department" would not perform duties because I had an issue with a medical bill. Now, the administrator didn't mention my name, but it would be very clear the administrator was referring to me. Isn't that a Hipaa violation?

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