
Workplace theft?

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Workplace theft, please help

I am a young adult who has a high level of senority at my job at an independant coffee shop. no way around it, i took 20$ from the till, and belive to have been caught, i will be confronted tomorrow, how (if at all) can i expalin myself? i have been a hardworking, trustworthy employee.

no critisism please. i am terribly worried and would like some helpful anwsers and reassurance. could they press charges? or just garnish my wages for the amount? i am ready to quit if need be.




  1. i would just go in there non chalantly. if they bring it up have the  $20  in your wallet and be like i was on my way home and my car was out of gas and i forgot my wallet at home.. i was going to replace it today. didnt think it was a big eno deal to ask considering you have seniority.

    If you freak out you could be facing a more complicated scenerio. keep your cool. You dont want that on your record nor to lose a job and have a rep of theft.


    good luck.

  2. your pretty much screwed I would not go back there for that meeting maybe just tape an envolope returing the money admit no wrong doing in a later you write saying sorry about your mishape you wish it wouldn't have happened and thank them for their employment. and make sure you leave them off any future job applications and resumes.

  3. I don't know if i can offer reassurace and yes, you could definetly be arrested. You could be charged with theft and fired.

  4. They probably wont press charges for $20.00 but my guess is you wont have a job either.

  5. Accept your mistake and ask for forgiveness, they will have to punish you, but the situation depends. For instance if they have been losing money in a similar way they might want to sue you to try and recover that amount even if it was not you.

    They might even consider the cost of suing you, where by the employer will be required  to prove the case beyond doubt if they can you might want to settle it out of court.

    The management will use you as an example to the rest and that is not nice, just plead guilty and do not lie.

  6. commited a theft. you could be arrested.

    how your boss is going to handle is up to him.

    here's what i suggest...

    go to your boss. don't wait for him to come to you.

    tell him what you did and beg for forgiveness.

    good luck!!

    quit stealing!!
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