
World Bank should kick Wolfy out - why should it be concerned about the way he gets out?

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This guy tried to pay his squeeze off - period. That's all you need to know.




  1. Why should Wolfowitz get ANY special benefits especially now. He is being fired and who knows what his contract for employment and benefits says. This guy is just another crook from Texas and a Bush family friend. He isn't particularly smart so why is he even in such a job to begin with? I would like to see ALL of Bush's friends and cohorts be kicked out of their comfy jobs and put to work like the average citizen works. I wonder if he will get unemployment benefits?

  2. Sounds like you've already made up your mind about it and your making just a political statement... Where is the real question? Reported as spam...

  3. Why don't they kick him out?  Because the U.S. funds around 90% of the World Bank.  Can't p**soff the U.S.

  4. The World  Bank's own website says:

    "Recognizing that any program to assist in controlling corruption worldwide needs to start with the example of best practices at home, the Bank has taken initiatives to stamp out conflicts of interest and any possible corrupt practices among its own staff."

    So, as he has been involved in a conflict of interest, he should go. The fact that he has not resigned just shows his enormous arrogance...

  5. Considering that Wolfowitz did nothing wrong, you might want to reconsider. But that would entail looking at the actual facts, instead of the manufactured scandal.

    He didn't "pay his squeeze off", considering that PRIOR to his becoming the bank Prez, she'd been recommended for a raise and promotion. Didn't know that, did you?

    And that Wolfowitz tried to recuse himself from making any decisions about her, but the Bank board demanded he take care of it. Didn't know that, did you?

    But, hey, who needs facts and truth when you have bile and hate to spare, eh?


    Wolfowitz has produced the documents (I wish I could remember where I saw the .pdfs of them!) where he requested recusal from making any decisions about her, and the response telling him to take care of it himself. Hardly "spin" by my definition.

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