
World Ending By fire???

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Ok it says in the bible the world is going to end by fire will it??? i mean global warming is here.... u think everysummer is going to get hotter and hotter untell everyone dies of dehidration and of hottness???




  1. Well, having the Earth engulfed by the Sun when it turns into a Red Giant would certainly qualify for the world ending by Fire.

    But humans have the ability to save the Earth from this fate.  The idea is to rob Jupiter of some orbital energy to shift the Earth's orbit out. We could use an asteroid in a figure 8 orbit between Earth and Jupiter. We have plenty of time.  After the Sun collapses into a White Dwarf, we can reverse the effect to keep the Earth's temperature "just right".  In a trillion years or so, when the Sun finally cools too much, the Earth will become too cold.

    As Robert Frost said,

    Some say the world will end in fire,

    Some say in ice.

    From what I've tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To know that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice.

  2. There is a HUGE difference between 'fire' and 'hot'.

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