
World Explorer?-10 pts?

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How do I become a world explorer? any majors? i mean like if there was a part of the world people didnt know about and they need people to go explore. or if there were myths is a given area the person would have to go investigate. i mean all of this internationally by the way.

-10 pts




  1. hehe... Either be super rich.. or super rich..

    Studying archeology might help but doubtful. Could study marine biology and go to Antarctica(the last frontier on the surface of the planet). Could study oil excavation(finding oil wells)..

          Your best bet would be science. But if you want to study the weird stuff you see on the sci-fi channel you could try parapsychology but good luck with that.

  2. Archaeology, anthropology, paleontology and geology are possible education paths for such an ambition.  

    There aren't many places left on Earth to explore.  The Amazon and the jungles of New Guinea and Borneo still have some areas that have not been touched by civilization.  There's always Antarctica, but you won't find any traces of man there, only interesting geology.  Most of the ocean floors have yet to be explored; a career in deep-sea exploration could be pretty interesting.  

    I tend to think the next great step in exploration is in the sky.  Perhaps astronomy has an interest for you.

    Those are some ideas.  I like your ambition.  The world needs more people who are interested in something greater than just making a living.  If you have the passion, pursue it, and good luck on your adventures.  I hope you discover something spectacular!

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