
World Trade Center vs Pearl Harbor?

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Many people have compared the attack on the world trade center to pearl harbor. Can you tell me the similarities and differences between the attacks?

They don't have to be full blown written out ideas, i just need the basics to help me to get started.





  1. Pearl Harbor was ofcourse from the Japanese,

    and did not harm as many people. It was against military,

    the japanese we're trying to take out the United States with 1 blow, quick and fast, because we we're good in fairly long term combat, rather than fast combat.

    The trade centers was apparently just a terrorist attack,

    which wasn't taking us out quickly, more just to p**s off americans and force us into war.

  2. The similarities would be that it was a sneak unprovoked attack on US soil.  

    The difference is that it was an attack on civilians rather than military.   It was by individuals rather than state sponsored.   It was religiously motivated rather than politically motivated.

  3. For one thing the US government didn't do it. I can't beleive there are people who don't understand that there ARE people in the world who want to hurt us. Japan was trying to expand their empire in the pacific. They felt that the US was the only thing stopping them. So they attacked the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. Bin Laden declared war on the US in the 90s. There were several smaller attacks leading up to the big one on 9/11

  4. Pearl Harbor:  A military target (naval base) was attacked by the Japanese navy/airforce.  Civilian losses were minimal.  The world was already at War and Japan was well on its way to asserting itself as a naval power.  It was an action of Gov't vs Gov't, Japan was reacting to a treaty signed the year earlier with the US and Brittain that inhibited the amount of battleships they were allowed to produce.  Japan was attempting to keep the US out of the war by taking out our navy.  They almost succeeded by taking out our battleships.  The Aircraft Carrier was not considered a powerful/viable warship at the time and it wasn't until we destroyed the Japanese Navy in WWII that the Aircraft Carriers became respected.  WWII effectively ended The Great Depression.

    WTC:  Muslim Terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airliners filled with civilians.  2 of them were crashed into the WTC towers as a blatant attack on the US/World economic systems.  Neither the terrorists, the planes, nor the WTC were military or government targets.  They were filled with civilians.  The other two planes were headed for the Pentagon, a military target.  However, each plane was filled with over 100 US civilians.  One was shot down over Somerset Pennsylvania and the other one succeeded in hitting the Pentagon.  There was no formal warning to the US government.  There was no Government attacking us.  There were no military targets.  It was a total act of terrorism that had no goal but to kill and terrorize the United States.  The War on Terror was on its way to growing the US economy until the media siezed controll of the consumer confidence and patriotism less than a year later.  There is no clearly defined enemy in this war, which is what makes it more difficult and is the reason we are taking over and building nations in the Middle East with the hopes of installing Governments that adequately represent the popular opinions and is strong enough to hunt down and stop these attacks before they start (like most normal Governments do).

  5. They are same in that the gov't wanted to get in to war.

    The differences are that in Pearl Harbor, the technology was so primitive that there was no real way of knowing that the attack was going to happen on that day. With 9/11, we knew about the enemy, but it was still allowed to happen.

    In Pearl Harbor, mostly service men were killed. With 9/11, these were innocent American citizens.

  6. Its The Golden Buffalo:  Right for $300!

  7. in both cases the government let it happen to get into war. In Pearl Harbor, There was a fax or telegraph that supposedly went unnoticed, a formal declaration of war from the japanese i think which is odd as we say it was a sneak attack. While they did not reveal thier location or target they said it's on, and it was ignored. also radar in those days should have seen them coming, but on that day the radar wasn't working properly at like 1/2 range i heard.

    9/11 There was a memo that passed by the president that morning or within a week or two and he did nothing. The warning even mentioned planes and hitting a building that specific but, no change, no alert or warning system in those days. Just another threat, like they happen everyday on small scales. Thousands of murderers and cults and crazies always. It was big this time, something no one expected. Except whatever intelligence agency sent the memo. The CIA and Israel or Britain, was following the terrorists for thier whole career, 20 years 40 years since khomeni.

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