
World of War craft??

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Ok so alot of my friends play WoW so I want to try it out. One of my friends told me that he'd let me play it at his house but not to buy it till christmas cuz a new one comes out. Do I have to have the new one to play WoW when it comes out. If i get it now do I have to get burning crusade? Is it worth getting at all. I love RPG's and i used to play Runescape alot (I know theres no comparrison) and I love the whole magic medieval theing so yeah. Whats your advice




  1. buy the game you will need it to play the expansion and when you reach 50 buy burning crusade than in December the expansion comes out

    and make a rouge

  2. Your friend says not til get it til christmas are you insane? lol jk...but there's no need in waiting til xmas to get the game just because of WotLK (Wrath of the Lich King), its your choice plus its about if your willing to buy it now...

    You really only need the original seeing that your just starting out...the orinial will satisfy you until you reach lvl 60 then Burning Crusade allows you more feature & an increased lvl 70 cap & 2 new races ( draenei & Blood Elf)...If those don't matter to u right don't have to get BC...If I was you & I had the time to play I would get the original right away, so you can play w/ your friend plus you guys can do the new "Recruit a Friend method".. Your friend emails a code that he registers from his account mangement page & you type in that code & if he starts a new toon you guys will recieve 3x exprience while questing for 3 months w/ each other..that''ll get you to 60 in no you can summon each other & your friend recieves a zherva mount for recruit you ;)  Happy lvling lol

    OH if you want stealth & stun moves be a rogue Depends if your able to run away effectively be a mage....Mages have alot of downtime meaning time in between fights because they need to replenish mana & health more often but higher lvls don't have that problem much they also have better Crowd control abilites like Freezing & Polymorph...Rogues don't have as much downtime as a mage, but you do need money for poisons & itll probably be harder to find instance groups + they rely n on Stun & ambush moves mostly

    Answer my question plz???

  3. What's coming out later this year will be the second expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" You will need Burning Crusade to play it.

    right now you can buy both World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade for about $40 in the Battle Chest. You may also want to try out the trial and if you like it you can just upgrade your account so you can keep both your characters (Also if you download it you won't need to reinstall the game once you buy it, as the Trial and Full game use the same client)
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