
World of WarCraft whats the best Mage build?

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ive been thinking which talent tree is the best , and maybe even best horde race also...

ive heard good things about blood elves.. but yeah i love to do lots of dmg and what not but just break it down for me someone.




  1. For Alliance I would go Gnome. Purely because their racial buff is an intellect increase, which comes in handy for your mage.

    If your horde, possibly undead? You get Will of Forsaken which is like fearing them (you press a button, they run away uncontrollably)

    FROST: is for PvP. It has damage AND survivability.

    FIRE: is for PvE. It does pure damage. It has less health than a frost mage, hence why it is for PvE. In PvP it would not survive.

    I wouldnt worry about arcane lol.

    I would recommend levelling the character with Frost, and then switch to Fire at 70. Or earlier even.

    Good Luck :)

  2. Lets tackle the race issue first. For PvP you have a couple choices and each has its distinct advantages:

    Undead - Will of the Forsaken is ALWAYS an awesome racial as a free fear break is always nice. Especially in arenas if you need to finish the job NOW and now wait 8 seconds.

    Blood Elf - Also viable for pvp as an AoE silence is nothing to laugh at but this racial will be much more difficult to utilize than Will of the Forsaken.

    Troll - Berserking is a nice haste buff and will be quite affective if you're running 2s w/ a healer as you can utilize it when low on health and get the full duration.

    Your best build for PvP (arena based) will be FROST w/o a doubt. You will be the target and you need to survive. The only decision you need to make is whether or not to get imp Counter-spell, you will have to give up a few frost talents to get it but it can be a beautiful thing on druids.

    For PVE....

    Troll but the difference really isn't that huge... that racial isn't going to be a game breaker in all honesty, roll the dice on this decision.

    Your build will most likely be Fire/Arc. Nobody goes to the bottom of either of the trees, both 41pt talents suck, so you're able to pick up the mid-teir abilities in both trees!

  3. Depends on how you play.  If you PVP then frost.. If you PVE Fire for steady DPS, or Arcane for Burst DPS.  

    good luck

  4. For PvP, the best horde race is Undead.  For PvE, the best horde race is Troll for their Beserking racial.

    For builds, go Fire for PvE or frost for PvP.  While leveling you can go either of those, but I prefer Frost.

  5. go frost/arcane and grind to lvl 70 XP

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