
World of Warcraft Macro???

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What I would ideally like the macro to do is swap my one handed mace that is equipped in my main hand to off hand whilst moving my dagger that was in off hand to main hand. Then for my guy to do an Ambush attack and then for the weapons to switch back to their original hand (i.e Mace to main hand and dagger to off hand).

Is this possible? And if it is can anyone help me construct it?

Thanks =)




  1. Never tried it myself, but you could try this:

    /equipslot 16 <dagger>

    /equipslot 17 <mace>

    /cast Ambush

    /equipslot 16 <mace>

    /equipslot 17 <dagger>

    With <dagger> being the name of your offhand dagger and <mace> being the name of your mainhand mace  

  2. I think luke, that if you uninstall the copy of WoW, and then sell it on ebay, then buy an xbox with cod4, then you will get your enjoyment factor.

    This is clearly the best answer btw ;)

  3. Easiest way? Get a wardrobe add-on, make one outfit one way, another the other, and bind them to hotkeys.

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