My husband, whom I love, is driving me crazy! He plays world of warcraft from the time he gets home from work til he goes to bed, and won't do anything else, with the exception if our daughter needs something. He's great with her, but I get no help around the house. Granted he works twice as much as I do (he works 50-60 hours as opposed to my 25-30 hours a week) but is it too much to ask for him once in a while to make dinner or do dishes? Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I love him very much and do not desire to leave him, that's not what I'm asking. I don't want him to stop playing his game, it's the only fun thing he gets to do, just play a little less. Should I suck it up and do all the housework or try and get him to compromise? I just feel I need a break once in a while.