
World travel stories?

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Next year I am travelling for a solid year. I will be 18. Good idea?

Where did you go, for how long? Costs? Best place you have been? Was it worth it? Would you do it again?

Thanks =]




  1. 100k wow!!! I did 30 days on $1000 plus airfare. bought a train pass, a book on european travel by Fodors, stayed in Pensions much nicer than hostels. Check with visitor info in each town for places to see and spend the night. Spent the night in a couple of campground cabins, and on the train. just go with the flow and have fun.

  2. Wow, that's awesome. I backpacked for 3 months though Europe, and spent an average of 100K dollars, including airfare, and I did some shopping, travelled to expensive countries and ate out almost everyday, so I think you can pull it off spending less money.

    I went to Spain, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Ireland, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Belgium. I did the hostel thing, and although it was uncomfortable at times to use a dirty bathroom and share a room with someone who had not bathed in weeks and had very smelly feet, I managed to save money and meet some of the most interesting people, including close friends I have right now. Cooking at a hostel is a must if you want to save money, you could try the local food once or twice and do breakfast and dinners inside.

    One of my recommendations, doesn't work with everyone, but if you're not a control freak, is work hard on an itinerary, and throw it out the window as soon as you hit the road. It is hard to plan on something you haven't done before and places you haven't been to. I planned 4 days in Sevilla, hated it, and returned to Madrid the next day. That's when I threw out my itinerary. You might find you like some places more and you want to spend more time there, don't stick to an itinerary so strictly, if you must have one, make it a flexible one. Give it a few days in between to spend more time here and there. Also, listen to other travelers, there are places not in conventional maps that I had never heard of, and were a very nice surprise. That's where the few extra days come in handy.

    It was completely worth it, the only thing I regret is not adding more time and places to my travels. I would do it again in a heartbeat had I not other priorities right now. I wish to do it again in some years. The best lessons I have learnt were during the road, it's the best university you can go to.

    Good luck, I wish you the best, bon voyage!!!
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