
World war 2...?

by Guest33010  |  earlier

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when intervewing a ww2 vet. what are some good questions to ask for a history project?




  1. Ask about where he was stationed, his rank, unit, etc.  Ask about his participation in historic events.  You may want to limit the interview to one particular event.

    You may want to look at some books by Stephen Ambrose.  He wrote books based on interviews of WWII vets.  "D-Day" and "Band of Brothers" are a couple of the books that I have read.

  2. ask what his rank, his grade, where he was stationed, what branch of the military was he in etc.

  3. ask about how the atmosphere was what rank was he? what he had to do? why did he want to got to army? did u kill someone?

  4. Get their name, branch of service they were in, the time they spent in the military, where they served, their rank when they entered and when they were discharged, any major battles/campaigns they were involved in and any stories they will tell you. Also ask if they have any memorabilia they can show you.

    Also ask them some philosophical questions about the war.  For instance: Their opinion on the nuclear bomb attack on Japan. The Russians getting to Berlin first. etc

  5. What did you do there?

    How old were you when you joined?

    Where were you stationed?

    What Rank were you?
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