
Worlds meanest Ball Python?

by  |  earlier

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K, she is 16 months old. Never used to bite me and now she is rotten and mean. I've had her, and her brother, since they were a week old. Up until 3 or 4 months ago she started biting me, and only me. I am cautious around and move slow. Actually, I didnt change the way I acted around her when she started biting me. She is def. used to me and acts like no ball python I have ever owned. I know no one would believe me, but my friends have witnessed it, her lunging out to bite me. She was hiding in my closet on a shelf, I was about 15-18 inches away walking by when she lept out ot bite me and fell on the ground. I know I can get it on video her acting like that, but I'm a wimp and it hurts when she bites. I've been bitten at night too! She crawled into my bed and bit my toe in middle of the night, she lept out of the closet and bit my knee, and has bitten my finger about 5 times.Everyone else, including kids, holds her. I hold her brother all the time and he is fine. So, what can I do?




  1. why isn't she in a cage, letting her roam your room all the time is not good for her if that is what you are doing, there is no way that you can provide correct temp and humidity that why get a cage set it up well and if the space is causing her stress enough to bite you then it should fix it.

  2. Well, as all your other posters have stated - the snake belongs in an aquarium, not free-ranging the house.  I can't even imagine you letting them eliminate wherever they feel like it.  That's just gross.

    And I don't think you meant, "she lept out ot bite me and fell on the ground."  I think you meant that she struck out at you, and fell from the shelf.  

    That's scary.  I had a very large black snake do the same thing to me, and it barely missed my eye by an inch.  It had managed to get inside my parrot house, and was trying to get a meal.  I didn't see it, at face level, on the wire cage nearest the door, until it struck out and hit me.

    And yes.  Snake bites hurt.

    The reason that black snake struck at me is just cause it saw movement, and was hungry.  That's probably why yours is striking, too.

    As for the striking - especially the crawling into your bed to bite your toe - it sounds like the snake is hungry.  Have you increased the size of her food items as she has grown?

    I suggest that you find a nice 30 gal long reptile tank, set up some heat for her, and start caring for her properly before you DO get hurt, or she does.

    BTW?  How do you feed her, since she's running loose, and where is the brother snake?  I sure hope one doesn't become TOO hungry, because one will end up eating the other.  They both need to be in separate tanks.

    I'll post some links below so you can start the research you will need to do, to care for the snakes PROPERLY.

    Good luck, and I hope you them put up soon.

    I hope this has been of help.

  3. well you can start off. by not moving slowly to pick her up ...just reach in there and hurry up and pick her up because if you move slow you are giving her to much time to react........and why is your snake biting you at night..( why isnt she in a cage) you need to be the boss of your pet and put her in the cage and keep her there unless you are handling her.......and it could be the way you feed her ( dont feed her in the tank)

    hope this help  :)

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