
Worlds most dangerous job?

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What do you think it is?

i say its a alaskan crab fisherman.

my uncle says its a guy who works with jet planes on a air craft carrier ship ( untieing planes tell telling them where to go watching them go wissing by you)

What is correct??

(( any other jobs? ))

Do you like chicken?




  1. (thinks, ponders, considers possible answers)

    Chinese mine worker, definitely

    As for your uncle's assertion, you can gently remind him that the people who work on jet aircraft are very well trained. They don't just get anyone to work on 'em. Yes, accidents certainly occur but that's the risk of working on an aircraft carrier.

  2. No doubt, to be a terriorist is the most dangerous not only from those that you terrorise but also from your own people. So if you like the idea of suicide this is the job for you.

  3. I would say it would have to be a big  Drug leader of a huge sydicate in like some country.

  4. mine worker

  5. Air cav scout / door gunner with 3/5 air cav Viet Nam 1969.  Imagine everyday searching the jungle looking for enemy bunkers  finding them, then charging them with machine guns blazing at a altitude of 25 feet or lower and tossing a hand made bomb made from a TNT grenade wrapped with 2 pounds of C4 into the bunker. Every other day we would be given another Air Metal for valor while the troops on the ground would receive Silver Stars and The Metal of Honor for charging and destroying enemy bunkers. Air cav scouts would end up with 35 to 50 Air Metals at the end of their tours if the made it home alive.

  6. President of Iraq.

  7. I would have to go with Alaskan crab fisherman too

  8. Suicide bomber.

  9. Statistically speaking farming is probably the most hazardous occupation in North America.

  10. I'm going to agree with the answers suicide bomber.  That's pretty dangerouse.  

    I really wanted to say I like chicken.  That's what is most important here.

  11. chinese mine worker

    seriously any job related to aircraft traffic or maintenance is not that dangerous as usually percepted. Most of the people working with planes /probably apart from certain african countries/ are proffesionals that are keeping the flight safety in their minds all the time.

    I would go with your fisherman, since the polar waters fishermen usually have terribly odd chances for survival in the cold water once their ship sinks or once they fall overboard.

  12. Bomb disposal.  The disarming of ordinance (bombs, land mines, artillery shells, etc.)

    The policeman or soldier employed in this profession has in my opinion, the most dangerous job.  The bomb disposal expert has the terribly difficult job of disarming all kinds of explosives.  Many times the explosives are homemade and booby trapped to explode when touched.  Admittedly there are not many in this profession but then again not many people apply for the job because it is so dangerous.

    And yes, I do like chicken tastes just like chicken.  Mmmmmmm goood.

  13. I'd figure that guy who walked on a tight-rope across/over Niagra Falls had a kind of dangerous job.  What a way to make a living.  

    And chicken is great especially in a stir-fry!

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