
Worldwide economic breakdown?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this world has got a few more problems these days with the food and oil and deasters.

Now do you know if the world economy can crash? what will happen then and how long will it take to repair itself?

Lol in other words should i stock up on canned fish ?




  1. Don't stress out about it too much.  I know its really bad right now and economic conditions are definitely poor compared to like 10 years ago, but things will be okay.  I doubt the world economy will crash.  It is bad, I admit, but not at the point of crashing.  Not near it in my opinion.  It will probably take years to repair it to where it was a few years back.  I heard the US ^^ economy will be starting to grow again at the end of 08 so we'll be okay.  The usage of gas is also peaking so that's good because it will go down.

    I don't know what should be done to help repair the problems on a global scale but some actions can be to use more alternate energy, and maybe provide aid to those nations suffering from food shortages, but i'm not sure.

    Don't worry too much though, things will recover.  It will be okay.  You don't need to worry and stock up on food.

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