I have decided to start worm composting in my kitchen. I went to a seminar hosted by my city's waste management department about 3 weeks ago and the guy gave me a couple of worms to get started with. When I say a couple, I really mean about 9-15 worms (I keep reading about 1 lb bags of worms - I definitely don't haven't that many!). Anyway, everything is going well, my little makeshift composter is not smelling and things are getting eaten. The worms seem to be putting on weight too (and forming their little egg sacs) BUT I was wondering how quickly the population of worms will grow (how quickly they will reproduce under ideal conditions). I am not currently adding all the veggie material I can because I don't want to over load them - there is still a lot of uneaten food in there so I am assuming they don't need more . If anyone has any knowledge of how quickly they reproduce, I'd like to know so I can adjust the food amounts I add accordingly
Thanks a bunch!!