
Worried I may have said the wrong thing before even getting the contract?

by  |  earlier

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I’m usually not a worrywart kind of person but I just got a verbal offer for my dream job. I was talking to the manager and asking questions but after half an hour of questioning, some which he repeated answers for and others I was just wondering about, he got flustered and started sounding very abrupt about sending the paperwork before hanging up.

This guy isn’t my direct manager so I don’t care if I never talk to him again, but he is a decision maker to the final outcome and I am not sure if this will affect me chances.

Should I call or email him back to explain or apologize?




  1. As with many postings here, it would have been better if you had offered the questions first instead of the effect from asking them. While your intention may have been to show interest and enthusiasm, it was probably obscured in the unusually lengthy offer and acceptance exchange. Thirty minutes of post interview questions is not the best indication of how you will fit in and be a part of their team.

    Even if their contact will not be directly over you, he does seem to be the one who decides if you will talk to anyone else in the company and even a very contrite follow up is not likely to revive a conversation he has already ended.

    It may be your dream job, but now, you have missed the opportunity to be their dream candidate and they are looking elsewhere. Sorry.


  2. Aw, don't worry about it. I know the feeling. Maybe he was just having a bad day or stressful. Don't worry, just yet about it. If you got a verbal offer, that should be the least of your worries. If they offered you the job it means that they think you are qualified to do it. Good luck!

  3. don't bother.  you'll talk more than you think.

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