
Worried about Cancer?

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Everywhere I turn I see something about cancer. If I open a newspaper or a magazine there is always an article in there about cancer or about a person who has cancer. Since giving birth to my son almost a year ago, I have become obsessed with the fact that I may have cancer. I'm forever examining my b*****s for abnormalities, checking my stools , worrying about every ache and pain and just generally worrying that I may not be here to see my son grow up. I bleed when I go to the toilet and I've seen 3 doctors and they've all told me that I've got an anal fissue which is causing the bleeding. The health visitor told me the same and what they are saying makes sense as I only bleed when I have pain passing my stools. I can feel the fissue opening. I know that the bleeding is local and not internal however; I have read on the internet that rectal cancer can cause bright red bleeding. The doctors and the health visitor told me that it's the dark blood mixed in with the stools that I should worry about not the bright red blood that stops once I've stopped going to the toilet. They also said that I may have piles after giving birth.

I can't talk to my doctor aout my fears as I feel that they just fob me off by saying 'you're too young to have this, that and the other wrong with you'. I disagree with this as cancer can affect anyone at any age so I think it's wrong for doctors to fob their patients off.

I feel like I am going insane. My husband is losing his patience with me and keeps telling me that if I had cancer then I would at least have unexplained weight loss and extreme tiredness. He keeps telling me that the pain in my back is probably muscular and not kidney cancer or ovarian cancer.

I know you're all going to think that I am losing the plot here but I genuinely am worried.

Look at Jade Goody....27 years old and she has cervical cancer. I had an abnormal smear last year but my post natal smear was normal. I have to have another repeat one in 3 months time. This has got me worried now. She is only a couple of years younger than me.

Am I the only person who worries about these things? It's not just me I'm worried about. I also worry about my husband, my son and my parents. I don't want to die and leave my son without a mother.

I just needs to be reassured. I get depressed easily and I find that this comes and goes. In a few weeks, I'll forget everything and I'll have a good few weeks but then something witll happen and I'll start worrying again. My husband thinks that I need anti-depressants but I don't want to take medication. What do you think?




  1. question is.........what do you think?

    theres no magical answer someone can give u, to make everything okay.

    end of the day u have to battle ur own demons, i hope u have the strength to win!!


  2. goto your g.p its sounds like that you have a phobia....?

  3. I agree with your husband. the undue worrying is not good for you, your child or your marriage. seek professional help about this.  

  4. It's OK to be scared of something like that!  I think the same way too, but don't make it stress you out.  I am paranoid, because  I watched my 42 year old friend die of bone and lung cancer...after her diagnosis, she lived two months.  My other friend had breast cancer, after 3 years came back, and now it has spread to her bones and lyphnodes.  My grandma had cervical cancer at 25.  I've had to have a cervical ablation for abnormal cells.  It is scary, but don't go crazy about it.  Just make sure you get your pap when you should, due monthly breast exams, and don't ignore anything serious.  You should be fine.  I have a one and two year old, and one of my biggest fears is not being able to watch them grow up.  I am reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.  If you don't know who he is, he was a professor that was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  His oldest son is 6 and youngest is two.  The book is very inspirational, and I really recommend you read it.  It gave me a total different look on life, because I am like you, I get paranoid all the time about dying.  Good Luck!

  5. Firstly you are normal.

    It could be PND

    I have similar as you and mine is OCD.

  6. I am afraid it does sound as if your responses are abnormal and this represents almost a cancer phobia. I think you should see your GP. However it may be that your management could take the form of therapy rather than medication.

  7. If you think you going to have breast cancer and your breast bleeds

    use an ointment. Go to your dermatologist and they will give what's

    best for you. I had this problem before and it took weeks and months

    to stop the bleeding. For tips don't wear a bra at home because when

    you seat your breast the sweat is going to go back into your skin and

    that's not good. Don't stress to much about beind dead or all that bad stuff. If you belive you can survive trust it.  Check out the website

    on the bottom, it shows you products that fights your cancer:

  8. First of all do not worry about Jade Goody, she should of been having protected s*x, she has cervical cancer more then likely from HPV. Get over it,Jade Goody does not care about you-do not worry about her-worry about yourself. You have a compulsive disorder and if you do not get a hold of yourself you are going to drive yourself right into hospital, a broken marriage and who knows will leave your son with a mom in the looney bin.

    Stop sticking your head in the loo and checking out the stools, you do not have cancer. You do not have cancer just because you f**t.  o.k. I do not think you need medicine, just therapy.

    If I were you I would be writing everything down during the day that you do and make a journal. I also would be seeing a different doctor, a doctor should not be telling you that you are too young to get cancer. But you should be seeking a therapist before this compulsive disorder gets more out of hand then what it is.

    Best of luck to you & your family.

  9. I don't think you need anti-depression meds. Your just like me I thought I was the only one. I too am worried about cancer, everywhere you look is cancer! cancer! cancer! I feel you pain. Look I know this is not going to make your situation any better, but you have to realize as well that we all have to leave the earth one way or another. Scientist are talking about if you do this diet you can prevent cancer and when you start this diet it causes other health problems. I really know how you feel. you should do yoga or seek help or something to ease your worrying.

  10. I'm 15 and worry about cancer, however I don't have any symptoms other than pain where my kidneys are, and in my chest.

    My mum worries about herself, and requested for herself to have various tests and scans, and after a few years of requesting, she finally got them, luckily everything was okay (:

    So yeah, if you research and request various tests they can do to reassure you that you're fine, or help you with treatment for anything not so good, I'm sure they'll do it if you keep on (:

  11. Hello there I can sympathise with, my wife in the last four weeks believed that she had breast cancer and cancer of the womb and cervix I also might add she is the worlds worst worrier.

    We went to one hospital in London who sent for her after having a mammogram and when the breast consultant  saw her it turned out to be a cyst which she drained there and then.

    Also when she went to the toilet when she wiped her self she found traces of blood, went to the Doctor who referred to to the Consultant at the local hospital, where she had had a camera in her and the consultant checked her, then she had two minor lots of surgery and the result is that it is a hormone problem and she will need hormone tablets  by the way she is sixty,  so all that worry was for nothing.

    I have an anal fissure and very rarely it bleeds but that is all it is.

    Unfortunately you are a worrier and that is nothing to do with being depressed, but you have to believe the doctor after all they are not going to lie to you

  12. If it is causing problems then you need to see a consultant for assistance as becoming a phobia. My wife thought she had breast cancer last year but it was negative as are the majority of suspected cases. Incidentally I never realised that men can also get breast cancer. Put it to the back of your mind as life is too short and enjoy what you have with the people you have instead of worrying needlessly about something that may never happen.
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