
Worried about bf wanting to become a s.w.a.t police?

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My boyfriend wants to become a sniper in a s.w.a.t team and he says he needs to join the military to help him with the training .He is very athletic, 6ft and 85 kg.

But I`m slightly worried about this ,

does he have to join the military?

and how long does he have to be with the military?

i know it is a dangerous job but they are well protected right?

and does he need a business degree? (sorry but I don`t really know much about this)




  1. you should specify what country you're in.

  2. He doesnt need military to help him with training becuase nothing he learns in the military will be able to be used as a civilian police officer... only his aim while shooting... other than that and the physical fitness it wont help... military and civilian are diffrent..... He is only doing it for the action.... even with military theres no garuntee he will get S.W.A.T. as a civilian... this is because its very competitive...also if he goes to the military and you two arent married.. you might as well brake up with him because you will rarely see him and hear from him... if your married you can move to wherever he is stationed to.... Sounds to me like hes looking out for himself instead of you guys relationship so i recommend looking out for yourself and leaving him first... getting your own life together... do something that would make him want to come on yahoo answers and ask what should he do about it so that its an understanding that a relationship is a compromise of ideals and in order to have a healthy one you both should benefit from the others decisions.... sorry for getting personal im trying to help the best i can..... and being in our military safety is never garunteed but the odds are in our favor... but anyone can be killed...

  3. Well Sarah I naturally understand your worry. When anyone decides to enter a dangerous job its stressing on family memebers and friends. My sister's boyfriend became a police officer and it really took a toil on her at first when he was on the job. I would say 3 to 6 years he would probably have to serve. After that if he does a good job a year or two to get invovled in SWAT. I don't think he needs a bussiness degree, its genius to join the Military to get a head start on the competition. As a sniper your boyfriend will be away from most of the danger he won't be on the frontlines but he won't be completely out of harm's way. SWAT units have a very low fatality rate. It's OK to worry Sarah but do your best not to get too worked up about it.

    All the Best!

  4. He does not NEED military, but it helps. They want someone who has been in a combat situation, so they have experience. He can go to colledge for this but its not as easy to get in. They look for military men in "cop work". If hes a sniper than theres not alot of danger he will be facing, he will be looked at as a angel on the battlefield. Its not about how many kills he gets. Its about how many lives he saves. He will be well equipped with body armour, and a r700 sniper rifle along with a m9 pistol.

    i wish him good luck.

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