
Worried about breastfeeding HELP !?

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i know this is reallly immature but i see b*****s as a sexual thing still. im in my first trimester and im just looking to the future and the prospect of breastfeeding is freaking me out . i want to do it , i do believe that breast is best compared to all those artificial horrible powdered milks you get but i still can get passed the fact that guys do it to you know.... turn you on ( ahh cringeworthy ) . women say how beautiful breastfeeding will my feelings change once i have my child.




  1. It's quite possible your feelings will change once you have the child. Or somewhere in the mid/late part of your pregnancy. Guys do all sorts of sexual things to your body when you are feeling sexual (or to help you get there) and even something as simple as stroking your arm can turn you on when you are with someone you are attracted to or getting ready to be sexual with someone.

    When you are holding your baby- you will feel a very strong feeling of love and like you want to nurture and protect this little one more than anything in the world. Have a nurse or your mom (if she breastfed) or any woman that breast fed and had a good experience with it help you the first few times. You have to hold your nipple a certain way, position the baby a certain way, etc. It is not like when a guy does it to turn you on.

  2. yes, you'll start to think of it from baby's point of view rather than your own, and you'll think only about the fact that your baby needs food and you're the best provider! speak to your midwife for further advice.

  3. I think for me, the moment my kids started to breast feed I didn't think about anything else but nourishing them. Your mind will be so focused on the baby that you wont even think about the other stuff. You might even slap your mans hands if he tries to grab your b***s and say "Hey, those are for the baby".

  4. i totally understand how you feel..i felt the same way in my first trimester and now my son is 4 months and he exclusively breastfeeds and surprisingly my boyfriend does not really go there because he says it smells like milk! lol! and it probably does  for my son to be able to detect where his food is. the women who tell you that it is a beautiful thing and a natural thing ..they are absolutely right.. we were born to get pregnant, go through this pain that is actually wonderful and give birth ..and we are born to feed our babies just like other mammals do with our b*****s.. you are given this opportunity  to do so and grasp it and enjoy will find that the bond you share with your baby during this moment of only between you and the baby and nobody else can share or take it is indeed a special moment..imagine..some women would love to have the kind of opportunity to be able to nurse their babies and cannot because of reasons like the baby is premature and cannot latch, the mother had a c-section and could not breastfeed right away. my friend stopped after 1 month and a half because she and baby were producing thrush and baby was losing after your baby enters the world in the first few minutes..grasp the opportunity that god has given you and let your baby nurse and enjoy that bond!! will understand when the moment comes is in your NATURE..good luck!!

  5. Before my wife got pregnant she would laugh about being a 32 minus A because she was very small breasted. When she became pregnant with our first son she went to a 32C. She breastfed  all three of our sons, I massaged her every night all over her body with NIVEA, she never sagged, and got only two tiny stretch marks. When we had s*x the milk would flow like crazy, yes they are for nursing and yes they are still s*x organs. Enjoy and take care, Good Luck.

  6. As hard as it is to believe, God didn't give you b*****s to please men. Breastfeeding is one of the best ways possible to bond with your baby. It's normal to be nervous about it the first time, but you will come to treasure the closeness that only you can give your child. Talk to someone from the La Leche league. It'll be OK, I promise! Good luck!

  7. I'm sure it will once you see your child. You don't need to worry about that one when it comes to feeding your child cause you'll feel different.

  8. Yes your feelings will change but if you still feel this way when you've had the baby then express and feed the baby bottled breast milk

  9. Once you start breastfeeding, it's amazing how quickly your start to see your b*****s as 'sources of nutrition for your baby' as opposed to 'sexual part of your body'.

    If you just keep reminding yourself, that b*****s were 'made' to feed babies, then you'll be right.

    Good on you for wanting to get past these feelings and provide the best for your child.

  10. Once you get over the initial shock of the birth (no matter how good the birth is, it is still a shock to the system) and you relax and try you may feel differently about doing it. But if it still bothers you, there is another option of expressing and bottle feeding. I think it took me about 2 months after my son was born to feel the "love" about breast feeding, but everyone is different.

    If you don't like breast feeding after you have given it a go don't beat yourself up, many children have been brought up on formula.

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