
Worried about eating dirt?

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Well my 2 1/2 year old nephew loves to eat dirt. not just ground dirt like, oce in a while he will rub his hands along the car and l**k his hands, he'll get on his hand and knees and like the floor, but my sister is scared to tell the doctor. she is afraid that he is not getting a certain vitamin and the doctor might call social services or something. Is it normal for kids his age?




  1. Okay, first of all, get over the whole child services thing, the doctor can't tell anyone about your problem because of doctor patient confidentiality, besides it's not a problem to tell you're doctor, you aren't doing anything wrong. Take your nephew to the doctor, see what they have to say. It probably is pretty normal on some level.

  2. Grandma always said that if dirt killed we would have no men.  If he is vitamin deficient, give him a children vitamin. Keep t correcting him and letting him know about the dangers. Also, find another way for him to get attention.  And you are right. He is not autistic!

  3. Definitely tell the could be "pica" and some kids do have this(as well as some pregnant women). Usually they will test for it at 3 years when they draw blood but I'd definitely tell the one is going to call social services unless the child looks malnourished!  If there is no medical reason for it, then it's just a quirk and he'll probably grow out of it. A little dirt never hurt anyone! Good luck

    Here is a link to info on pica

  4. I'm more worried about your sister than your nephew.  It sounds like she's not very confident in her parenting.  It also sounds like this is her fist child.  New mommies are often worried that they'll make bad parenting decisons.  

    Help her find a play group in her area.  (I recommend, search keywords "moms", "parents", "play group".)  She'll be able to hang out with other moms who have kids your nephew's age and she'll be able to see them all eating dirt (the kids, not the moms).  She'll be able to talk with other moms about her parenting issues, she'll even find situations where she can give advice.  It will all make her a more confident parent.  

    As for your nephew and his dirt diet, unless he refuses normal food and ONLY eats dirt, he's pretty normal.  Boys and girls up to about age 3 use all of their senses to explore the world.  They look, listen, smell, touch and taste everything.  They don't know yet that it's yucky.  Mom's job is to let him know what's okay and what's not.

  5. That is called a pica. It is VERY important he is seen by a doc ASAP. A child's GI system can be obstructed VERY easily. The doc won't call anyone. It's not like she's SERVING him dirt or not supplying him food. This is something the child can not control. It is a compulsion.

  6. ok so he is an einstien that eats dirt big deal kids do that...if youre going to get offended at suggestions of odd behavior don't ask. Most of the time others are trying to be helpful not hurtful...just ask the is not a big deal kids eat everything except what you want them to eat.

  7. It sounds pretty normal to me--kids who are really creative with a lot of energy tend to do this often. They tend to have borderline sensory disorder type symptoms. If he's not getting a certain vitamin (that's more than likely not the case), the doctor would say what it is. Why would social services get called? Is she beating him, not feeding him, and abandoning him often, too? She's trying to help him by bringing him to the doctor. I've seen kids l**k windows, etc, but I've never seen one get on the hands and knees and l**k the floor. Does he get overstimulated easily? I'd get him evaluated for Sensory Integration Disorder.

  8. Yes he is probably missing a mineral or vitamin in his diet. Believe it or not my mom was obsessed with eating dirt to the point that she was taken to the doctor who told her mom that she could eat dirt but to just make sure that it was "clean " pieces of trash or anything like that in it. Even to this day my mom has to take a multi-vitamin becasue she is lacking something.

    The doctor will not call social services. If your sister neglects her child and does not care for him then she will be in trouble but she has no control over this situation and for that fact neither does the child. Take him to the doctor and try to find out what is lacking it will be a lot easier to explain him taking a vitamin every day instead of a pot of dirt.

    Good luck and tell your sister to relax and laugh at how resorceful her precious angel is.

  9. I have heard that eating dirt is a sign of a certain vitamin, but I'm not sure the accuracy of it. I'd ask the doctor about it. It's pretty typical for kids to eat stuff they're not supposed to, so I doubt he'll call social services.

    My son is 2 and when he puts something in his mouth that's gross I tell him it has dirty bugs on it call germs. That normally stops the behaviour, though he is a habitual shopping cart handle l****r! ;-)

  10. God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt. When I was a child my mother had the same problem with me. She said I simply grew out of it. I can still remember scraping my arm or knee and rubbing dirt on it, that is suppose to be just as bad as eating dirt. Good luck.

  11. Granted, it could be pica, more than likely it isn't.

    It is very normal at this stage....bats learn environment by hearing, dogs learn by smelling, and toddlers learn by tasting. I had a friend who's daughter liked dog biscuits, lol. she didn't have pica....just liked dog biscuits.

    If she decides to take him to the doctor, she won't be reported for that. They report abuse or neglect. At the most, they will think that she is over-reacting. But what's it really gonna hurt to go see a doctor. It's inconvenient, but not criminal or harmful. If nothing else, the doctor could help put your sister's fears to rest.

    And, he could be doing it to get attention or a reaction.

  12. I would have him see a doctor. If your sister thinks she is raising him well, there is nothing the doctor can do to take him away. It might be a stage. Also, try to tell him about all of the "yucky" things in dirt. Maybe he doesn't know that dirt isn't for eating. Try telling your sister to tell your nephew that when he "craves" dirt, he can tell her and she can give him a treat to substitute dirt.

  13. what?!  She's worried that the doctor will call CPS because of a vitamin deficiency?  That's ridiculous!  He is a little boy, I remember when my little brother was two he would eat the snails in our backyard (if my mom didn't remember to go check for snails before he went out).  If she is worried about a vitamin deficiency then she should go buy some children's vitamins.  She should ask the doctor is she is really worried.  He won't call cps because of that.  But I am pretty sure he's just being a typical 2 year old

  14. Kids at this age are bizarre.  If people around him freak out when he's doing it then it could be for attention.  I wonder if putting him on a kiddie's multivitamin might put your poor sister's mind at ease as far as deficiencies goes.  

    My daughter used to eat dead flies.  She's turned out fine.

  15. Those who think its not normal-well it is normal. Its normal for a 2 year old. Its not good for him but its normal.

    2 year olds will do anything. You just have to keep a eye on them.

    And her worry about the doctors calling social services over that-well thats just plain silly.

  16. A lot of kids do that.  Tell your sister not to worry.  She can talk to the dr about this.    The dirt won't hurt him unless there's chemicals or other additives in it.   I'm sorry, but this is funny.  I remember my sister eating her poo as a baby, and I used to babysit a kid who ate worms.  It's all good.

  17. Some pregnant women do the same thing; others actually crave charcoal!  It's because his body is deficient in some vitamin (or more likely mineral), and he gets it from dirt.  Advise that he be taken to the pediatrician for a COMPLETE work-up.  It sounds like he needs it now, but he's not retarded or anything.  Seriously, I'll bet it's just a dietary deficiency.

  18. talk to the doctor and yeah i think that is normal in some kids hopefully they will grow out of that stage quick though see what the doctor has to say or call your local wic office on one of the forms they use to give it asked if you or your child craved dirt they might have a anwser.Good luck auntie no one is going to call cps on your sis unless  the is abuse or neglect going on .take care.

  19. I have heard of this behaviour before, and apart from it being unhygienic I wouldn't worry too much. He will most definitely grow out of it, I predict by age 3. For now I would encourage him not to eat it and explain that it could make him very ill. Kids don't like having sore tummies. Feel free to tell the doctor, don't worry I doubt anyone would call social services for this reason.

  20. It will pass!  You may think this kid is going to get soooo sick by eating dirt.  If he gets sick, then definitely take him to the doctor.  Do you over react when he does this?  If you do, try really hard not to acknowledge that he is doing it. It might be an attention getter. When he quits getting any reaction from an adult, then he will quit.  You could tell him that he is only eating dirt for his meals.  (don't really feed him dirt) If he sees that you are going to let him eat dirt he may just rebel and say that he wants real food and not dirt.   Reverse psycology.(don't know how to spell that word)  Hope it works.

  21. I would start popping his hands every time he puts dirt in his mouth, or licks the car. If discipline is not your thing then I would start teaching him what happens when he puts dirt in his mouth and how he could get sick. Your family doctor wouldn't call CPS cause kids do crazy things. Good luck.

  22. it COULD be autism... just bcuz he knows his ABCs and stuff duznt mean its not autism or something like that...... my older bro has autism and he learned how to SPELL at age 2... but there is nothing wrong with eating dirt NEways... but to stop just tell them  the 'yucky things' that are in dirt... (they wont understand if they have autism) but its worth a try!

    good luck!

  23. wow ...... I guess they  will  do things us adults wouldnt  dream of doing ........first seek dotors advice ...........Let your nephew know .....its wrong.........  speak to  your sister  she should be the one to  teach him it is wrong and that he does need to know there is better things to eat besides dirt.. maybe he is lacking attention ....... cheers

  24. unless the dirt has lead in it it won't hurt.I've heard that about the vitamin thing but let me assure her,that is not enough reason to call childrens services!My son has had his share of dirt, sand,crayons,paper etc.that is just kids and especially boys.

  25. What's wrong with autism?

    Being smart doesn't exempt you from having autism, by the way. As a sister of an austistic 13 year old, I find it rather offensive that you seem to find austistic kids "dumb."

  26. The doc will deffinatly not call services for this, so tell her not to worry,  but she needs to take him in, he could have pica... He may just like the taste of it, or he could have a vitamin deficiancy in that case just get him some flinstones vitamins or something... it doesnt make her a bad mom at all, especially seein he is 2 and its not exactly easy to get them to eat the foods they need to.. h**l my son went through a stage for about 3 months where all he wanted was jelly sandwiches!  All kids try dirt.. some like it some dont.  

    Some children have a decreased number of red blood cells, a condition called iron deficiency anemia. This sometimes results in a child's displaying pica by ingesting dirt.

    Deffinatly have her contact the doc though, because he could get sick, dirt is loaded with bacteria.  GL

  27. He's curious about what it tastes like. He just wants to know. A lot of kids his age do. However, you should tell your sister to tell the doctor, just in case there IS something wrong. However, it's supposed to protect you from autoimmune disease.

  28. I was a child of eating dirt.  My mom took me to the doctor.  He said it is a diffency,  he said sit her down in front of charcole and let her eat until she stops.

    She did and I never ate dirt again.

    Note:  this was 45 yrs ago so it was without lighter fluid just plain charcole.  But I did stop!  Good luck

  29. A lot of little boys are like that! At 2½ my son would eat huge handfuls of soil and sand! It is perfectly normal and in my opinion, nothing to worry about. However, if your sister is concerned, she can always ask her doctor. Why is she so worried that they are going to call social services? Even if he was deficient in some mineral, it doesn't mean she is a bad parent. She is a worse parent if she is worried but does nothing!

  30. I think you need to start to talk to him about it. When you see him doing it say " Those are yucky germs and will make you sick" Dirt will not hurt him and he will eventually grow out of it. You could also play taste test sensory games with him he may just like the sensory texture in his mouth. There is nothing wrong with talking to the dr. It is a stage he is going through!

  31. i wouldn't worry about this.

    he's little and doesn't understand, lol its exactly the same thing me and my brothers did for a while to

    if you really think it is a serious problem you need to tell your doctor, don't worry about social services, it really does sound like your sister is taking really good care of him.

    he's two 1/2

    he'll grow out of it

    just if you see him doing it, take his hand and tell him really gently that he shouldn't do that and take him to the sink and help him wash his hands

    tell him dirt is icky or however you'd say it to him thats something isn't good to eat and then givehim a cup of water or juice tow ash out his mouth

    no worries

    its definitly normal

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