
Worried about going to a new school.

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This is the first time EVER going to a new school. I know nobody that is going to it. I felt okay at first, but now I'm kind of nervous. I'm going to sixth grade. Any advice?




  1. oooh, I was just like you a few years ago, except I was going into 7th grade. if you're like me, you'll cry.  but you just have to remember to be positive, and don't stress too much.  friends will come, and if they don't, you just have to find someone, which trust me, isn't as hard as it sounds.  just be friendly and get your work done, and your set for school ;)

  2. I'n going to a new school too ecept to seventh grade! at recess don't sit by yourself by a tree go up to someone and ask if you can play!

    People will like you for being confident trust me! And even if you don't make a new friend in a week you will have the rest of the year to meet new people! And just think you still have your family! It's not the end of the world! Middle school is just middle school! you only have three years at that school anyway! BE YOOURSELF!

  3. You make it past the first week, you can make it past anything. Btw, the first week isn't even hard, it's just about getting used to the new school and meeting new people and preparing for the year to come. Good luck =)

  4. it will all be ok!

    i'm sure you'll love it!

    just be yourself, and don't be shy!

    and you can't make new friends until you talk to someone. so don't be afraid to start a conversation :]

    hope this helps

  5. Going to a new school is a great opportunity to meet new people. I wouldn't be as nervous as I would be excited. Think of it as a new beginning, and try to be yourself. I am sure everyone has made mistakes in the past, and you can learn from your mistakes and apply that to your new school. Otherwise I'm saying do your best and try not to make the same mistakes as you did in say your previous school(s).

    I understand you must feel nervous and may be thinking: What if I don't have any friends? What if people hate me? etc. Well, if you just be yourself and do your best, everything will fall into place. So think of this as a new opportunity to improve.  

  6. oo. i've changed school so many times. all i have to say is SMILE. act approchable and ppl will come to talk to you. be yourself. and dont always go for the popular group.  

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