
Worried about my Kitten...?

by  |  earlier

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My kitten Kiwi is about 14 weeks old. Yesterday evening she ate her food, and was her normal self (lots of playing, messing with cables, playing with my older cat Yoshi). I go to feed them this morning, and she is not interested in her food. Usually she is a little beast about food and is trying to take it from Yoshi, but today nothing. In addition she has been very melancholy... she'll come around occasionally to cuddle, and purr a bit. She's puking as well. Its just foam. I took her to the vet, and they pretty much told me to watch her for the next 24-48 hrs. When I fed the cats in the evening, she took mild interest in her food, but barely touched it. About 20 minutes later she puked again. I hate seeing her like this, and it makes me sad.

I guess all I can do is wait. But I was wondering if anyone knows of a simple home remedy that I could use to help her? I hear that peppermint tea works, it would just be a challenge to get her to drink it.

I just don't know. I guess all I can do is wait. :( I would hate for something to happen.

A pic of my cats. They are the sweetest.

Left: Kiwi

Right: Yoshi




  1. What kind of food are you feeding her? Could be some kind of allergic reaction, if it's a milk product it could be lactose intolerance.... i'm not really sure.

    Is there anything in your house that she could have gotten into? Some house-hold products would make a foamy vomit.

    Since you do not know what is wrong with your kitten, I don't recommend you giving it any kind of home remedy. Just offer her food, and make sure she's drinking enough water. (If she doesn't drink, try using an eyedropper.) If worse comes to worse, take her to the vet again, and demand them to help you with your kitten.

    I wish you the best of luck, they are such adorable animals!

  2. Please no home remedies! You could do much more harm than good. Offer small amounts of food several times a day and plenty of water. Follow your vet's instructions.

  3. I guess since you've already taken it to the vet and they said to wait, you have no other choice.. Just wait and see and if anything gets worse then take it to the vet again.. Give her a lot of water and keep trying to get her to eat, but don't force her.. I'm really sorry about Kiwi.. I hope she feels better soon.. Good luck..

  4. My cat did the same when she was a kitten and it was because we fed her fish or milk i think it happened with both but it really didnt agree with her stomache

    If it gets worse take her back to the vet

    watch what u feed her

  5. Vomiting, lethargy, and not eating are all signs this kitten needs to see a vet ASAP. Vomiting will cause her to be dehydrated and will make it even worse.  Home remedies almost always end up in disaster and only make it more difficult and expensive to treat. Pull up on her neck skin, if it snaps back into place, she's not dehydrated but if it doesn't, give her some plain Pedialite and call the vet back. See if she can tolerate some unseasoned chicken broth or meat baby food. Those are very gentle on the tummy.

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