
Worried about my acceptance?

by Guest62837  |  earlier

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Hello. I am going to apply to several US universities this Fall as an international student from Russia (I have Russian citizenship, but I am not Russian), but I am worried that the current situation of the relations between USA and Russia may have impact on my acceptance chances. Can it turn out to be true?




  1. that should be no problem,.. most schools will not even care about the citizenship you have, they just ask you your citizenship to ensure they have a diverse group of students at their school and i'm guessing you are resident of the US (not a citizen) if so i think they'll make you pay more for tuition .. i know they do that for non-residents but not sure how it's counted for international students..

    so ya u should have no problem with applying to schools.. good luck..

  2. Hello.  I think it is great that you are considering some of the colleges here in the U.S.  I wish you luck in gaining acceptance.  I find it highly unlikely that you would singled out and denied acceptance simply due to your nationality.  The U.S. is not in any conflict with you specifically, right?!  I really do not think that will have any impact.  After all, the college I chose to do my undergraduate studies has currently admitted/enrolled students whose home country is Iraq- not kidding you, and as you know, the U.S. and Iraq are at even bigger odds than the U.S. is with Russia!  As long as you are not on American Government's list of possible terror suspects, you shouldn't have anything to worry about in that respect.  (That was meant to be funny, not mean. LOL)  Now the only thing you need to be concerned with is whether or not your marks are high enough to be competitive enough to attend the schools of your choice.

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