
Worried about my baby...?

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i am almost 19 weeks pregnant, and worried about the size of my bump. I do have one, its just quite small, and i keep thinking by now i should be bigger. This is my first baby. I keep thinking to myself is the baby ok, growing ok etc. at my 12 week scan the baby's size was fine, and i have my 20 week scan on thursday, so looking forward to that! am i just paranoid? help! thanks




  1. I have a friend who was 6months before she started showing! If 12 week scan was fine then I wouldn't worry about it, and see what happens on thurs

  2. For your first you're prob going to be smaller as your muscles in stomach are strong and so kind of hold bump in - also you are feeling baby move so thats a good sign - I think you have nothing to worry about :)

  3. When I had my second baby at 8 months I only looked 3 months along every pregnancy is different. My son was born early but was perfectly healthy, and now at 3 he is in the 90th percentile for his age.

  4. My baby is due the day before yours!

    With your first you often dont show until you are nearly 6months as all the muscles are tight & havent stretchd before, with subsequent babies you start to show earlier because the muscles are looser! Dont worry, I'm on my 3rd & still not much to show for it!!

    Congratulations xxxx

  5. I did not show at all until 28 weeks. Around 19 - 21 weeks I could notice a change with the shape of my abdomen but that was all. I went on to have a normal sized baby.

    I think you sound fine! Stop being paranoid! Enjoy your normal clothes while you still can.  

  6. My 1st baby i was also very small and thought i would never have a big bump!! But im now pregnant with number 3 (32 weeks) and im huge and soooo uncomfortable, its normal that ur smaller with 1st babies. be grateful ur not big and uncomfortable!!!

  7. My wife had hardly no bump at all at 20 weeks then at week 39 we had a baby that weighed in at 11lb 2oz. Do not worry sure everything will be fine.



  8. Hi and congrats!  

    Everyone shows differently.  I suggest you go to the following site:

    They have a photo-book section on the site where women post their belly pics.  You will see that everyone carries differently.  You can even join the site and post your own. Trust me when I say you will find many supportive people on there. Think of it as kinda like a pregnancy myspace.

    Congrats again.

  9. when I was pregnant people didn't even realise I was that small! don't worry about it your scans are fine and baby is moving around, you worrying is going to make you sick, relax take it easy and enjoy! I had a son and he weighed 6lb 1 and he was healthy.

  10. Consider yourself blessed!  I've been asked the last two months if I'm having twins!  (I'm not.)  Lots of women don't begin to show until after the halfway mark (20 weeks) especially with the first baby.  The most important thing is that the baby's heartbeat is strong and your tests are normal.  Congrats!

  11. I just saw a women yesterday who is 7 months and she looked like she was about 3 months along. Everyone is different. Do not be worried. Your are doing fine and will be great.

  12. That's just normal. You are likely to show less since its your first. I didn't show at all till I was 28 weeks. Then I got to week 32 and Everyone started noticing my bump. Now at 37wks, I look like a house. Relax, your baby is fine.

  13. Everyone is different. When I was nine months pregnant with both of mine no one believed me as my bumps were tiny. If the scans say everything is ok I'm sure it is.  

  14. every one is differant ,I showed early but I have a friend who looked tiny and just had a healthy baby girl...dont will be fine...

  15. some women carry their babies deeper than others. I wouldn't worry about the size of your bump too much. you'll prolly find it goes 'pop' in a week or so! lol.

    Also, women who have their 2nd, 3rd etc pregnancies pop out more easily than us first timers :)

    Good luck at your scan.  

  16. I think its' normal.  I'm 18 w 3 d myself and go through this all the time.  I've had several scans already, but I always worry in between them.  I'm not all that big either, and haven't gained much weight.  I freaked out a bit yesterday becasue I didn't feel him move at all, but I have read that is also normal once in a while.  I also have another scan next Thursday and will just be so glad to see him again and know he's ok.

  17. You're fine!!! Belive me I'm now at 37 weeks and felt like you did - thinking I should be bigger, but the baby is fine and good that it's active. To be honest enjoy it now as soon you won't even be able to get your socks on without help and getting out of the bath will be a whole new experience!!!

    Really you have nothign to worry about. Plus if you are tall a bump will be smaller as the baby has more room to grow before it needs to push out!

    Good luck and don't stress!!!



  18. Don't worry you could be one of those fortunate girls that "wear their pregnancy well". You would have friends very envious of you, no doubt! As long as your baby is growing and is fine the size of your bump doesn't matter. It all depends on your body shape. I'm short so the only way to go was out in every direction!

    I'm sure everything is fine, so please don't worry. Enjoy your pregnancy. All the best.

  19. Everyone is differant... if your like me you'll wake and soon and you'll be like "were did this big belly come from??" i wasnt that big after about 6 months i started getting a bigger bump and it kept getting bigger until at the end i looked like i was going to pop, if the scan shows bub is ok and you fell movements there's nothing to worry about. Enjoy your bump and take lots of pictures!

  20. You and baby will be fine. With my first i didn't have a bump until i was about 6 months and even then it was tiny. When i was 40 weeks i looked only about 5 months. But my baby girl was born healthy and was 6lbs 12oz. The more babies you have the bigger and faster your bump seems to get. I am realizing that now. This is my 3rd pregnancy and i'm 34 weeks and feel huge lol. Good Luck x

  21. 19 weeks is just about half way. Many women don't even need maternity clothes at this point and some are massive. No - you are not paranoid, you are just pregnant with your first child and everything is new and unknown. The only growth that counts is that of your baby, which the midwife will determine once a month or more. Relax, enjoy and be glad you are not enormous.

  22. I had a very small bump too. in fact, when i had had my son, i was asked who's baby it was as some people hadnt even noticed i was pregnant.

    My baby ended up bruising my ribs as he was more up and down and than sticking out.

    I guess we should just think ourselves lucky, dont worry if they say the scans are ok and your baby is a good size. Try to believe them.

    I bet you will be pleasantly surprised when you give birth to your baby as i was.

    Please try not to worry as worrying isnt good for the baby.

  23. Is this your first? Usually your muscles and tissue is a lot firmer and it takes time to stretch out and thats why you aren't showing very quickly but watch out when you do.. you could wake up tomorrow and have exploded!

    I was about 19/20 wks with my son when i exploded and everyone thought i was having twins. *Thank god they were wrong*

    this time i am only 9 wks and can feel the difference already in my clothes. Sometimes you hear women say.. oh they are carrying in the back.. or she's carrying way out front.... well you could just be carrying in the back. I knew a girl who carried well in the back as she didnt know she was pregnant until she had pains went to the medical centre and they did an exam and told her to push! she knew she had put on a little weight but as she bled irregularly and was only very young she didnt know there was a baby about to change her life.

    Don't stress, your belly WILL grow.

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