
Worried about my daughter ... Am I being paranoid???

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My daughter was born weighing 6lbs 2oz.

She now is 5.5 months old. When I weighed her last week she was only 14lbs 7oz. She is exclusively breast fed.

I am worried that she is not gaining weight properly .... am I being paranoid, or does this sound normal???




  1. Dont worry all babies grow differently, my baby was born 6lbs 4 oz and was 5 months 5 days and was only 13.5 lbs and they say shes fine..

  2. sounds normal to me. My daughter was 6lbs 8oz at birth, is formula fed, and she is almost 7 months now and only weighing 17lbs... so i would say almost 15lbs at 5 months is great. Good luck!

  3. At about that age my daughter was about 16lbs.  However shes very long and has been on solids since 4.5 months old due to the amount of formula she would drink plus she was 7.1lbs at birth.  Your daughter sounds fine.

  4. As long as she has doubled her birth weight by 6 months she is fine and healthy. :) The expectation is regain birth weight by 2 weeks of age, then gain 1/2 lb a week until 3 months then 1/2 every 2 weeks until 6 months. She sounds perfect to me!

  5. no worries mama! by 5 months old your baby should have doubled his birthweight.. which yours has! sounds like ur doin' fine!

  6. sounds fine, my doc said 1 pound a month is enough to gain especially in breastfed babies. dont worry :)

  7. It doesnt seem like she is to little what did the pedi say I wouldnt worry as long as she is eating sometimes babies lose weight mine did then he just blew up around 6 months.

  8. Rule of thumb is: babies should double their birth weight by 6 months.  Sounds like your lil one is doing well!

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