
Worried about my dog!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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My dog has these clear bumps on her skin, and she scratches them and licks them. Everytime i rub where the bumps are she movies her foot very rapidly and she gets this wide-eyed look on her face. What's wrong with her?




  1. You should take her to the vet. there is a skin fungus that a lot of dogs are getting this summer.  Could even be ringworms.  

  2. Take your dog to the vet.

  3. Skin problems can be primary or secondary to other diseases or conditions. Itchy or irritated skin can lead to additional skin damage from chewing, l*****g and scratching. If your pet has skin problems, please see your vet to resolve the problem before it evolves into a more serious skin condition.  

  4. it might be a number of things from a broken bone, to a rash or even a virus i suggest talking to your vet. if it looks like its makes her itch or its swelling then give her one pill of benidrill but no more for 48 hours

  5. the dog has hives, or some type of bites?

    she is very itchy, may need a vet to look at her skin.

    did you check, if she may have fleas?some dogs have "flea allergy dermatitis" :allergic to the flea bite!

  6. I would just take her to the vet instead of asking about it on yahoo answers.

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