
Worried about my fiancé? really can do with some advice x?

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my fiancés ex has been using his child as a weapon and she knows this is hurting him one minute he can see him the next minute he can.

This is really messing his head up he is really down and depressed and been taking strong painkillers to make himself feel numb and to forget the pain she is causing him, i have hidden the painkillers away from him as i am scared he will overdose on them one night!

he has said he feels like harming himself and is not himself

What can i do? this is really hurting me aswell seeing him like this




  1. Ask him to seek professional help. Taking painkillers is a very bad sign and either A) a cry for help or B) showing addictive personality - either way you should try to get some counseling for him if you can - this is a big burden for you to carry alone.  

  2. Tell him to put his self on child support. This will guarantee rights and regular visitation.  

  3. ***** just give it up to everyone

  4. Move away. He may not be able to see his kids often but for the sanity of you both, you should think about it. He can take this to court, pay child support and arrange visitation. Good luck.

  5. gather evidence talk to police the law find a flaw in the divorce or child sepertion agreement or how it is harming the kids welfare. re asurance aswell hopefully as the child grows he will realise what has happened and will resent the fiances ex similar situation to me.

    good luck its gunna be tough :(

  6. You did good  hiding the pills, the next step is getting him to talk to someone. A professional in mental health. If he has evan hinted about hurting himself and is self medicating he needs help.

    Good luck

  7. Aw I feel for you both! How hard, he needs to go down an fight for custody. My fiance just went through that!! An he wound up wining full custody. And as for pills try to not let him get hooked they are so hard to quit!!!!!!!!!!!

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