
Worried about my friend?

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A friend of mine has been suffering domestic violence for a few years now. She confessed the true horror of things to me a few days ago when she turned up at my home a complete wreck. Her husband had apparently trew a jug of juice over her, folloed by a glass and his laptop!

She was distraught when she got to me but still went home to him. He has apparently locked himself away in a room in their house (its huge!) and they are not speaking. She knows her options of leaving etc and involving police etc.

My question is this:

She has agreed to text me daily to let me know she is okay and I've heard nothing from her today. She could be busy at work or forgotten to text me maybe BUT

I am worried she may be hurt or something happened to her. I'm not sure how i can check as she lives an hour away and i cannot check up on her.

What would you do?




  1. Assuming that you have already called or text her knowing that she could have her phone switched off for any reason, the next thing to do would be to gather a few friends up and take a ride out to her house.

    You could just say you were passing or ask to borrow something, anything just so that you can see her.

    If you have no luck then you must relay your suspicions to the police.

  2. Call her or get a mutal friend who lives near by to call round?

    I been involved in domestic violence where I was hospitalised for 6 months after being locked in house by my then partner for 3 days and subjected to horrible sexual and phyiscal violence.

    PLEASE PLEASE keep trying to get in touch and if no answer, go round.

    Ring landline and pretend to be someone selling something just say 'Hi can I speak to Mrs ........... please' you may be able to hear her in background. If she in and answers and wants to know why you ringing landline explain how worried you been and want to know she ok.


  3. If you think there could be a chance that she could just be busy at work I suggest calling her at work then at least if she answers you can relax. I would also suggest that you get the number of her neighbour, you don't have to tell the neighbour why you can just say it's for emergencies that if this happens again and she isn't at work and you've heard nothing you can contact the neighbour and make something up so the neighbour can check for you. In the meantime though I can only suggest calling her at work, if you're still worried call the police and get them to go and check it out.

  4. call her.

  5. txt her. if she doen't answer then call the police and let them know the situation. At the end she will thank you

  6. She may not be replying to your text if she feels embarrassed now that you now what's happening in her life.  Send another text just letting her now that your worried about her and that you just want her to text back to let you know she's OK.

  7. im afraid there is nuffin u can do but maybe involve plice if this goes on

    im sorry u hav 2 b patient


  8. i would text her a general text

    'hi how are you ' that sought of thing

    what a lovely friend you are

    good luck


  9. Maybe her husband took the phone away from her to keep her in control. Try to call her by phone and see if she answers the phone. Domestic Violence is no game to play around with. Came from  a marriage of abuse and controlling and i am worry about your friend. You need to call the police and tell them what is happening. And tell them is domestic violence marriage and you are in fear of her life.You can not be scared to call the police. You have to be strong for her.I understand is 1hr away make that trip and see for yourself and take her out to a shelter for domestic violence victim.  

  10. id just do a casual text that couldnt be interpreted by her husband as checking up on her

    if she doesnt reply i would then probably ring her to see if shes ok  

  11. Just wait for her reply, and if she does not contact u today, be sure to see her house the next day.  

  12. Keep calling her...if no luck, call the Police. Seriously, this sounds as if it might easily get out of control. At least they will report the matter to the relevant people who can help her...

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