
Worried about my throat is it serious?

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i smoke my mums ciggs cause i dont want to buy my own cause if i do that ill smoke all the time.i smoke like 2 a day.but i was on holidays an i must have smoked like 50 in a week (bad times)

an when im out drinking an stuff i smoke alot.

when i came back from holidays yesterday i got a sore throat an wired taste, in my mouth,its on the left side an its like something is stuck I'm my neck. an sore head.but it only happened when i took a shot of 80% drink but that cant be the also get like sharp pains up my neck into my head.

the doctors are getting sick of me because iv been about everything testicular cancer leukemia u name it.

and my ma says i worried to much.

could it just be a little sickness im 18 btw




  1. 80% Alcohol?  Yes it is that!  

    Smoking 2 a day and jumping to 8 a day ish will give you some phlegm issues and perhaps a sore throat.

    Raw 80% vol alcohol will cause damage far worse - broken and raw skin, swelling around blood vessels in the throat (something stuck in your throat...) - the works.

    Go the pharmacy - explain you downed a drink of near pure ethanol (you need serious kit to get it much purer than 80%!) and get some throat lozenges.

    Put juice in your everclear!!!

  2. Could have been he smoking or the drinking, best thing to do is se a doctor, i've had that feeling aftersmoking more than usual but not as intense as you have described nor for as long.

  3. wow... smoking is generaly bad for you.. add drinking and your in a sht load of c**p..

    i would talk to a doctor..


  4. you swallowed a cigarette when you passed out after drinking

  5. It sounds like you're a bit of a hypochondriac with some less than stellar habits.

    However, that much smoking when you're not accustomed to it can cause you to have a sore throat and also cause your chest to hurt.  It sounds like several things are going on here at once.  Not enough rest, too much partying, poor diet (because of the partying), and too much smoking.  

    Get some rest and eat right.  You should be back to normal in a day or two.  

  6. You are obviously a hypochondriac, as shown by your statement that the doctors are getting sick of you because of your repeated visits about all sorts of ailments.

    I should think that anyone who's so overly concerned about his health would try to lead a healthier lifestyle.    

    It might benefit you to seek some professional help with your hypochondria, it must be very stressful to be so overly concerned about every little health problem; real and imagined.      I'm not putting you down, this is a real problem and there's nothing to be ashamed of except not getting help for it.     Your life could be so much better if you spent your energies more productively instead of worrying so much about physical things.

    Get help for your problem, you will be a much happier person as a result.      And those around you who care about you will be happier, also.

    Good luck to you.

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