
Worried about neighbours kids?

by  |  earlier

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So my neighbors, the kids are quite naughty, they threw a rock at my house, luckily the ranch slider was open and my daughter wasnt near it, the rock landed inside. And then my daughters little ride on car went missing, then the youngest who is about 2, was outside playing on it, clearly it had been painted over, but its definitley ours, our daughters name can still be seen in black pen on the side.

My husband went down to ask for it back, and to ask for the parents to talk to their kids about throwing rocks at other peoples houses. So my husband came back and he said the ranch slider was smashed, and one of the kids told him that their father got angry and threw a coffee cup through it, so he felt bad and came straight home, So what do we do? Do we call child protection? We don't know if anything is actually happening to the kids though, so we would feel bad if it turned out it was fine, but on the same note we couldn't live with ourselves if abuse was going on? What do we do?




  1. The kids may be lying. I doubt that the dad painted on your child's toys. Sounds like the kids are up to mischief and lie about it. Too bad about the yelling, but that does not enough to call in

  2. I say put the house up for sale & move. Trust me when I say it won't end well if you stay. It sounds like these parents are not parenting their children & trust me when I say, there is no way those kids painted the toy without parent knowing something. When I was a kid, we had these neighbors move in & steal my brother's bike (among other things) & paint it over. When my dad went to confront the mom she said to the kids "what did I tell you about stealing? If you are going to do it, don't get caught". This was right in front of my dad! You have a mess on your hands & you don't want your children raised around it. Unless the people are renters (if they are, get the landloard involved), move & quickly!

  3. Call the police and tell them that these people stole from you and destroyed your property, plain and simple.  Any action that needs to be taken by child protective services can happen from there.

  4. I would think you would need a little more evidence I guess before you call. Make sure thats whats going on. Just because the kids are naughty dont mean the parents are abusing them.

    Once the state gets involved, they are there for a long time.

    Good luck

  5. report it just so thy can see and if thy agree then it will be taken care of

  6. Well, I think if you really think abuse is taking place you should talk to authorites. You would never want to be sorry if abuse was happening inside their home. Or if you don't want to jump to conclusions maybe you should talk to the parents yourself. Either one could be a good idea.

  7. Report it. They would probably have to pay for it. Gosh i would be sooo pissed.Make sure that the childrens parents are home. Then call the cops and tell them all that has happened. good luckQ!

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