
Worried about volleyball tryouts?

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I'm trying out on monday through thursday for varsity.

I'm so scared!

I haven't ever tried out for a team, but I went to camp this summer and I've been practicing, and I've played rec for about four years.

I'm 14.

Can you give me some tips?

What should I wear?

What do I need to bring with me?




  1. focus, make sure you call the ball when your going to get it, be a "team" player (encourage your teamates: give them high fives when they do something well and even when they mess up), show that your motivated, ALWAYS stay on your toes and NEVER stand still, try to anticipate what your opponent is going to do, and most importantly..have fun!! :)

    i usually wear spandex or soffee shorts and a loose tshirt (not a huge one but def dont wear a tight one. my coach doesnt even let us wear tank tops unless theyre pennies)

    bring a water bottle or two, volleyball sneakers would be good because theyre designed for moving on the court, and bring kneepads!

  2. I've been on my high schools varsity volley ball team for 5 years and the most important advise i can give you is be very allert...when the coach tells you to do something GO FOR IT even if you tank and fall flat on your face the coach will see your desire and your willingness to learn,don't half do it.

    and as far as tips on playing i dont know what your specialty area is but it's allways good to watch some of the senior members...and if they see you struggling some times they offer advise and TAKE IT!! they've been playing for a while and can probaly tell what your doing wrong!!

    good luck!  

  3. first of all, dont expect to make the team on your first time- it doesnt always happen.

    just dont give up no matter what, go for every ball you can- coaches really like to see a player who has a great attitude and who really goes for every ball. so, stay positive and always try your hardest!!

    if i were you, dress like you know what your doing-

    which means, spandex shorts and a tshirt, this is what you wear on the varsity practices.

    also wear tube socks, to the knee with knee pads.

    juicy couture has cute knee high socks that i use for volleyball,  it spices up the boring out fit a little, plus the coaches think you have charisma:)

    just remember to stay positive and dont expect anything at all, and suck up to the coaches, thats the main thing- they HAVE to like you alot.

    i hope you do well, good luck!!!

  4. I can't speak about volleyball specifically cuz I only play it recreationally... but just be confident and don't get put down no matter what happens. I was rejected from my high school basketball team after tryouts, and then in 3rd and 4th year university I was the captain of our team. So never give up!!

    GOOD LUCK! :)

  5. Be confident, and supportive of your other possible teammates. Cheering if someone does something good or its alright. Coaches notice players with good sportsmanship and good attitudes.

  6. okay u probably want to wear spandex and if u dont have that u can just wear soffe's and any t-shirt bring lots of water knee pad and volleyball shoes u might want to bring running shoes just in case. and u will also need a physical for a school team.

    be confident but not cocky ( i've been on many teams and coaches don't want players they don't think they can teach)

    always go after the ball even if its shanked halfway across the gym run for it. it shows ur willing to go for anything.

    and if u make a mistake shake it off dont let it get to you (it shoes u can deal under pressure) ur goin to make mistakes and coaches no that there looking to see what u do after those mistakes.


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