I had a convo on msn with this bloke 2day and he was sayin stuff lyk how old r u and where do u liv and he also was sayin stuff 2 ma m8 lyk meet me alone and do u like men gud in bed and he askt us both if we were single.... were both 11 and obviosly were not stupid so we ignored him, but his Display Picture looked like a 10 or 11 yr old our age, and it didnt look like something u could just get from google.. it looked like a proper picture of a kid. But it could have been a random kid or his brother cousin nephew so on........we are not dum enough 2 fall for him..my mate says to keep it between me, her and her brother...... But my parents made me watch this thing if your curios you should tell someone... nothins happened 2 us 2 but im worried if he talks to some 7 or 8 yr old and they fall for it..
anonimus your 11 yr old frend