
Worried parent what to do?

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I have a 7 month old daughter, my husband is deployed to Iraq and my daughter knows only me. I'm getting ready to go back to work and my baby dosen't want to be around anyone else. She screams whenever I take around my family or anyone else. Worried about taking her to any daycare. What should I do?




  1. 7mo is a tough age, babies now know they are with someone different and often will associate a new person w/ the absence of you.

    Just be reassuring and consistent.  The more she picks up on your anxiety the worse she will be.

    Spend quality time with her when you are with her.  Keep as close to a structure as possible so she knows what to will get easier with time.

    GL & God Bless

  2. It annoys people when people cannot control their children. These days they're are tons of mini bratts. Send her to daycare, who cares if they'll disclipine her, GOOD!  You are in charge, you need to tell her to calm down and nor cry, this behavior in unexeptable. You may think I am strict but I am just giving words of helpful advice, and If you listen to what I have to say I could give your daughter a better future. Your husband should come back soon, WAR is no ANSWER. Does she want a dead dad? She need so be disclipened, even if you feel bad for her. You are doing her a favor. Have Faith in Yourself!

  3. I had the same problem...but it's something that needs to be done.  Day care personal are trained to deal with these will get easier for both you and your daughter.

  4. 7-9 mth of age is the peak time for separation anxiety. Just keep visiting family and let her get used to being around other people. My daughter (now 15 yo) went through this when I returned to work when she was 10 mth of age. I went through 3 day carers in 6 weeks.

    try her out with short stays at who evers going to care for her. Say 1-2 hours then increase time she spends there. it will be hard at first, but it will improve.  

  5. You need to socilaize her. Unfortunately you are giving into what ever she wants. That has to stop so that you are in control. Children need to be lead  . The day care may do her good

  6. She is going through a typical stage for her age and is having separation anxiety.  You need to start taking her to daycare for an hour a day, then two hours, and build up to full days prior to going back to work and get her used to it so when it is time to go back to work full time she will hopefully have adjusted to being at daycare.  

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