
Worrying memory lapses - I am 27 and I forget things like my email address - it all just goes blank! help?

by  |  earlier

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I am quite concerned because I have been developing worrying gaps in my memory. For example just now I could not log into my other yahoo account. I use it everyday but today I just can not remember the username. Is it nineeleven or nine.eleven or nine_eleven... you get it.

I recently lost a folder containing all my documents, certificates passports etc. Just lost at home. I can't understand it , I must have binned it or something. I went to the doctor because I was concerned as I know this is not normal. The doctor said it was probably 'just due to stress'.

I am 27 I doubt it is dementia or anything like that. Please could you help me figure out what is going on here.




  1. Dude I have the same problem, and I'm 15. I haven't gone to the doctor for this because my mom thinks there's nothing wrong with me. But she doesn't know whats going on with me only I do.  

  2. Could be



    Being distracted by other things

    Blood sugar problems

    Not enough sleep

    Please consider checking with a Dr.  

  3. Yes, it probably is stress, these days what with usernames and passwords etc for this, that and the other plus life in general, id say most of us do that!! I have to set a burgular alarm where i work, and ive done it for 16 years, its a number i chose myself (my birthdate), but quite a few times ive got to it and gone blank!!!  and going shopping and forgetting the main thing you went for. Dont worry, its quite normal!!!

  4. I'd go see the doctor again and have some blood work done, ask for a viral test to be done on it. You might have a underlying viral illness. I went through a period like that, I was told by my doctor the same thing , I have stress. I didn't feel stressed out, even though I have a very high profile job.

    I didn't feel sick, only I felt there was something really wrong, with loosing and forgetting where I put things, my mind always went blank trying to remember  my atm and phone numbers, log in passwords and many things I knew off by heart and leaving things on like the iron or stove. This went on for months and it was affecting my work and even when I was driving.

    That isn't me at all, So I had blood work done and my results came back, that I had underlying viral illness. Caused from having the flu the winter before and still going to work on cold tablets rather than resting and riding the flu out. I was happy to know I wasn't going to loose my wits and after a dose of antibiotics, my memory is as sharp as a pin.

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