
Worse Bite?? Black Widow or Brown Recluse spiders

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im still trying to figure out which would be worse to get bitten by, of course lot of people would say a black widow, or would they?

ive been looking at the brown recluse, and to think that it happens so often is a little scary





  1. I think brown recluse is worse.  Those bites look painful.  

  2. Brown recluse - no known anti venom and the bite will fester and cause massive necrosis.      ......ick!

  3. I would say the Black widow because it's venom attacks more of the nervous system than the integumentary system which will bring you down very quickly. As the brown recluse bites is attacks the immediate surroundings of the bite with is the skin which will most likely die. I think most people will say brown recluse because they happen more often than black widow's say there is more experience with them. But the black widow by far would suck the most. Didn't you ever see Arachnophobia? lol

  4. brown recluse by far

  5. well spider wise the better one is actually the Brown Rucluse because it's not actually an agressive spider, but it will only attack when it's being pressed against skin, such as if it was in bed linen or washing etc.

    As far as bites goes, the Brown Recluse is more painful but it takes longer to kill but it can cause organ failure which can be a very slow and painful death. But if caught in time, then it can be treated, where as the Black Widow kills more quickly but doesn't always kill as it produces a small sum of venom (especially the males as they are smaller), that doesn't amount to a fatal dose.

  6. Brown recluse spider bite won't kill you quick, but it can kill. The danger is usually in the bacteria, and the putrefication and infection of the bite area. You can die of disease, but it will be much, much later, and can be cured with antibiotics...

    But often, you will be missing a chunk of flesh at the bite area, because it will have turned to mush under the skin after a few hours.

    A black widow bite is painful, like a bee sting, and is fatal much quicker...but not always. it rarely transmits the same disease-causing bacteria as the bite of the recluse.

    SO really, if you catch it early, the recluse bite is not as bad, because it takes far longer to act, and you can be cured almost 100% of the time with antibiotics...but if you don't see a doctor after being bitten, that recluse bite is more damaging and roughly as fatal.

    The widow...well, you have to get to a doctor immediately to save your life, but if you don't die from it quickly, you'll be just fine.

    If you're an idiot who avoids the doctor...the recluse is far worse. If you take a bite seriously and go to the doctor, the widow is worse.

    Neither one has a high "kill ratio" though. A healthy adult should be fine after a period of feeling horrible.

  7. Pound for pound, black widow venom is more toxic than that of the recluse. The reactions to the bite are entirely different, and neither is pleasant by any means. The recluse bite can result in necrosis, but the widow's venom can result in nastier symptoms like respiratory failure due to it's effects on your nervous system. The popular opinion has been the recluse, but from a medical and toxicological perspective, the widow takes the crown.

    Being bitten by a brown recluse and not a widow does not make the recluse have a worse bite. Everyone who provided their experience of being bitten by a recluse has said that the recluse is worse. Without being bitten by both, the only way to determine which is worse is by comparing the toxicology of the venoms.

  8. Recluse is the worst one. when they bite you it dies around the bite and sometimes you have to have it surgically removed the bitting part and all around it cause its spreads nd sometimes wont' stop there. so you have ot cut away alot. take care the black widow isn't that bad but its bad enouhg.

  9. April 2nd, I was bit by a Brown Recluse and after 6 antibiotics, 1 week in the hospital, I am STILL dealing with a pretty major problem.  

    A major help was this first aid kit:

    I have gone through several of these first aid kits and it's healing but VERY slowly.  the only other alternative for me was surgery and I didn't want that, so I'm still doing the first aid treatments regularly to hope to stay out of the operating room!

  10. I have been bit by a black widow.  I was performing a weapons movement at a weapons depot in Montana, I went to switch on the igloo lights via and outdoor electrical breaker box when I was bit.  Bite didn't hurt at all at first, just like a little pin prick.  But after an hour it was swollen pretty bad even after washing it with soapy water (doctor recommended).  I was sick for the next 4 days (vomitting, diahrea and some minor muscle cramping on my right arm.  On a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being the worst pain you could feel, I give the whole experience about a 5.  I had a friend in the military who's daughter was bit by a brown recluse.  She said the bite itself felt like a bee sting.  She was 8 at the time and she had a mild fever for about a week I believe.  Doctor said that it could have been a lot worse because brown recluse fangs are often stuck in the site of the bite and more venom could have been induced.  I guess it is only really dangerous when small children or elderly are bitten from what I have heard.  I know that I don't want to go through it again.

  11. I'd say Black Widow personally.

  12. Brown Recluse

  13. Brown recluse would be alot worse to be bittin by

  14. Brown Recluse bite chews the skin while a black widow leaves a red itchy bump.

    Brown Recluse has a worse bite but a black widow is more deadly :)

  15. The brown recluse is a nasty little s**t I don't know way nature has to be so cruel!

  16. black widow if fatality is considered

    brown recluse if goreness/grossness is considered!

  17. Recluse has no anti-venin as far as I know.

  18. id say thar either bite is gonna suuck

  19. although the black widow has killed some humans with her bite.  A brown recluse causes necrosis of living tissue.  In otherwords the tissue surrounding the bite dies and spreads as time passes..  So in some ways they are equal, as a brown recluse is a slow death however noone has died from one (as far as I know).  A black widow bite does have an antivenin.  The brown recluse has no antivenin.  soooo it is up to you how you want to recover.  In some cases people have lost chunks of flesh (like the flesh eating disease).  My son was bitten by a brown recluse and luckily we got him to the doctors soon enought that the damage was minimal.

  20. Brown Recluse!!!

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