
Worshiping God under the influence?

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Can i listen to gospel music or watch shows on preaching or God when i am stoned or/and drunk? what are your thoughts on this?




  1. That's the only time when I can stand that c**p. It's basically the same as real worship, just the religious are under the influence of the bible.

  2. You can try it, but I don't think your worship will be very effective.

    Drugs and alcohol cause racing thoughts, so one minute you're worshipping God, and before you know it you've spent the last 5 minutes thinking about something else entirely.

    Fasting works better.

  3. i think this is how religion originally got started. good luck.

  4. You can... but it would not be true worship. True worship involves removing idols from our lives (like getting drunk and stoned) and focusing our sober minds completely on God and his holiness. Getting drunk and/or stoned is sin and it's really hard to worship God when we are living in sin. My suggestion is to give up the drugs and alcohol completely and worship Jesus instead. Don't present yourself to God half-heartedly.

  5. That is a oxymoron!  Thats brilliant!  You should also shoot people in the name of Jesus! lol

  6. i think that it may help you get closer to god. its hard to be spiritual in this world we live in. christianity has gone overboard. judging everyone and damning everyone to h**l. damnit! god loves everyone. even if you are high, he still listens and loves you.

  7. Is there any other way?

  8. maybe youll see "god" thatll be fun

  9. You can, because God will minister to your drunken drug up mind regardless and meet you where you are. He can deliver you in that state.  

  10. Nah, listen to something better if you are high or drunk.

    Bob Marley is a good choice, he was high pretty much 24/7 so his music will probably appeal to you. : )

  11. Yes. Why wouldn't you?  That's usually when they make the most sense.

  12. Sure

    The writer of Revelation

    was probably on something

  13. You can.  If you mean morally do so, I don't know, but you can.

    I'm not Christian at all and I listen to Christian music, haha.  Some songs are catchy.  Not the hymns, mind you.  the more modern music.

  14. Sure you "can", in this country anyway.  The Holy Bible does warn against "worshipping in vain" however, I think that is what it would be.

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