
Worst Injury You've Ever Had Playing Rugby?

by  |  earlier

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I shattered my tibia and fibula when I went foot first into the post




  1. ACL, MCL and medial meniscus tear after 15 season though so not bad all things considered.

    Where the heck were the post pads when you hit the post or did you slide under them?

  2. Compound fracture of my arm, the bone was sticking out, luckily we were two blocks away from the hospital, some of my tendons were cut, and I had to have a lot of therapy to get my full movement back in my hand.

  3. The most painful without doubt was a severely torn groin muscle....beat every other injury I ever had for pain and immobilisation.......and believe me I speak from experience

    Ive had:

    4 dislocated shoulders

    broken left wrist

    sublocated jaw

    several torn hamstrings

    knee damage 2x

    ankle ligament damage several times

    several broken fingers

    2 broken ribs.... 2nd in pain to the groin muscle injury

  4. Knocked out my front teeth - that hurt.

  5. dislocated shoulder and broken thumb

  6. broke a spinal disc

  7. Torn ACL-Happened end of April (Had surgery this June)

    Strained Hamstring-[Did it 4 times in 3 months.]

    Dislocated Shoulder

    Cleated in the face, lots of blood

    Sprained ankle

    fractured ribs

  8. I think most serious rugby injuries come from dudes getting cut from football teams.

  9. nothing cause i did not play rugby in high school

  10. nothing too serious, got kneed in the eye

  11. I've broken 2 ribbs...Pretty painfull.

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