
Worst cat death / accident you've seen?

by  |  earlier

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What's the most grotesque way in which you've seen a cat die? or accident involving an animal?

When I was a kid, i saw a cat get run over by a bus.

The bus tire ran over it's mid-section, and the rear tire made a similar path.

The cat's mid-section was squashed to a pancake-thickness, and of course it's innards had exploded everywhere around the carcass.

What struck me was that the cat's mouth was wide open, and it's eye's closed, kinda like it was screaming when it died.

What's yours'?




  1. Gory details like this just makes me vomit. Thanks.

    I've heard of cats being attacked by dogs and they died while trying to escape.

    Poor dears.  

  2. well when i was a kid i saw these two cats fighting in the street and both got ran over by a car and blood was everywhere. i couldnt sleep for a week

  3. When I was about 6 years old I had to go to preschool and my dad started up the car and put it in reverse. As soon as he went back a little there was a little meow and he ran over the cat! But, it was sleeping under the wheel. Then a couple years ago he told me he took it out back to shoot it because it was in really bad shape.

    {We lived in the mountain area at that time}

    Poor kitty.

  4. a cat went under garage door when it was going to close, yep, he was stuck right under it and died when the garage door goes up.

  5. I didn't actually see it get hit, but I saw it's body in the road. There was a carnival going on across that street so at first I thought someone dropped their stuffed animal. Upon closer inspection, it was a dead cat. It's mouth was slightly open and leaking blood, one eye was partially open and the other was closed. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen.

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