
Worst city... DAMNIT!!!!!!?

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dont know why i googled it, but i cant beieve m citys the worst! its not as bad as ppl think... what do YOU think it is? DETROIT OR ST LOUIS?




  1. detriot!!!!

  2. detroit by far

  3. Detroit has recently been voted the worst city for several reasons. Crime are the housing market are just 2 of the reasons.

    When they do those types of list the only consider some factors and not all of them so you could right that it isn't the worst.

    My answer is Detroit.  

  4. I'm not sure...I'm just glad that Brooklyn isn't there.

  5. Detroit  

  6. Wow I'm surprised Chicago isn't on the most Violent.

    Well Detroit is known for violence.


  7. Baltimore, Maryland. By far the gloomiest and most dangerous city. Gloomiest during fall and winter.

  8. No idea, but I would hate to live in that state where all the mormons have a bunch of wives, no fun!

  9. idk

  10. Detroit

    any place that has the word "riot" in it is definitely screwed

  11. detroit.kb

  12. i believe the worst city is la because u can see the air literlaty and the worst not most crime i think is Atlanta. the weirdest **** ever happens here

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