
Worst clique (goths, preps, etc.) in junior high/school? Best clique?

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The goths? The emos? The preps? The athletic people?

I think there's more.

Worst to hang around with and be friends with? People you stay away from?

And the best kind of clique in junior high/high.

And if you don't like cliques (which I don't) you can say that too.





  1. I swear, there's nothing more annoying than being in high school and dealing with emo, depressed, deprived, and punk freshmen  that come in.It's so over rated, I mean, GET OVER IT... there's my two sense for the day.

  2. I agree...the emo atmosphere is not what high schoolers should be around. The nerdy group is pretty bad too. I think the best would be the jock/smart group. if you are a jock please don't hang out with the complete idiots that cannot write a sentence right in their senor year.

  3. The worst are the jocks and gossip mongers. Emo's didn't exist when I went to school but I still don't like them anyway.

    The best are the ones that kept low profiles.

    Cliques are not my thing, never have been, never will.

  4. I'm afraid I am too old to know. In my day, it was the partiers which eveyone does now. I guess anything that is dark or negative is to be avoided. That may also include Angels wrapped in light who are false. So hard know. Discernment is critical. Many Blessings.

  5. emos, what a buch of helmets

  6. The preps think they're the best, but most people outside of their clique hate them.  The outgoing, fun people that have friends in every clique have more friends than the preps.

  7. All cliques are pretty bad if you ask me.

  8. When i was in jr. high, the worst clique were the preppy's.

    The best clique were the heshens (partiers)


    I suppose the same for high school

  9. The worst? The tiny winy teeny booper emo group. Oh no Daddy didn't buy you the new sidekick! Grow up will ya!

    The best, band geeks. I was in band for two years, and still hang around the band kids. Believe me, you'll have the most fun with the band-o's. ((They know all these cool ways to hide alcohol....))

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