
Worst comparison you have ever heard about one of your favorite bands?

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I've heard people compare the clean singing of Threat Signal's Jon Howard to that of Chester from Linkin Park.....sorry, but h**l no.......

Have any examples like this?





  1. How about this one:

    Cradle of filth to Opeth :-#


    There's NO answer to that, wtf? There's nth incommon bet. th two.

    Holy c**p, i think it's time to buy a new set of friends!

    I feel retarded even when i'm writing this, lmao!

  2. uhm...actually no not really.

    I know people have called Norther's drummer emo, they have also called the rhythm guitarist that does the clean singing emo. so the worst comparison is Norther being compared to emo.

  3. im a megadeth fan.

    i'm tired of always hearing people compare megadeth and metallica. saying they sound the same and all that c**p. um no. they never sounded the same.

    also tired of hearing that PRIMAL FEAR are a judas priest ripoff band. true they DO sound a lot like them AT TIMES but if you actually listen to them you see that they have a lot of diversity on their albums and have a lot of stuff that sounds nothing like priest.  

  4. The beatles compared to Panic at the disco.....come on!!!! your kidding

  5. The Jonas Brothers to The Beatles. John Lennon eats Joe Jonas for breakfast!

  6. Well, I have heard c**p like Eternal Tears of Sorrow is Nu Metal.  I mean wtf?  

  7. Nirvana to MCR. It was by some kid... it wasn't even a comparison, more like this: "psshhh nirvana are S****y artists! they only had 1 hit! they are nevar bettr than mcr!"

  8. Oh my..

    I have heard Three Days Grace to Rage Against the Machine

    and Linkin Park to Rage Against the Machine.

    It just kills me a bit inside to know how corrupted the minds of the young ones are.

  9. interpol to joy division.

    they're good and all but can't compare to ian.

  10. Avenged Sevenfold being described as SoCal Punk meets Iron Maiden.

    uh.... h**l no, it sounds nothing like either and both of them kick A7X's ***.  

  11. i hate when deathcore (and even heavier) bands (EXAMPLE: bring me the horizon, cause its one of my favs) gets called screamo.

    cause it seems like every band that has screaming in its music is

    now labeled 'screamo' regardless of their talent or hardcore-ness


  12. Not really the worst, but I can't think of any at the moment.

    Everclear and Nirvana.

    Apparently, Everclear are Nirvana rip offs.

    I've heard a lot (A LOT) from Everclear, and I've heard enough from Nirvana to know they sound nothing a like.

    Maybe it's just me. I might be missing the big picture.

    But you know, whatever keeps Nirvana fans on their pedestal.

    Smashing Pumpkins and My Chemical Romance

    Just because Gerard looks a little like Billy, doesn't mean the music has any relation.

  13. the beatles to the jonas brothers i was gonna stab some one >:)

  14. The Tom Cruiseonauts have been compared to Ms. Jackson's band, boy, I feel honored!

  15. You probably wouldn't get it, but it annoys me to see people say Within Temptation is like Evanescence. I can't stand Evanescence .....

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