
Worst customer you've ever waited on ( for those who work in retail )?

by  |  earlier

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we've all had them. those customers you would possibly risk your job for, just for the satisfaction of being able to tell them what you're really thinking. what's the WORST customer you guys have ever had to deal with?! xD




  1. LOL

    I work in a deli in the summer.  One night I had a customer that was a little drunk.  He got angry having to wait in line (It was just me working).  He grabbed the Mustard squirt container from behind the counter and squirted it all over me.  It got mustard on my clothes, my face, my hair....I was so PISSED.

    He was arrested for assult.

  2. The ones I hate the most are the people that treat you like a non-entity.They talk on their cell phones and smack chewing gum while you check them out, then they get huffy when you have to tell them how much the items are. "Uh, hold on, i'm on the phone" I actually had one woman say as she stood in my check out line. I felt like punching her.

  3. yeah where i work when stuffs on sale you have to have a sale card and the savings dont come off until the end and you cant see it on the moniter for the register and people get really annoying about it even when ive already explained it to them, they just keep asking: hey isnt that supposed to be this price? its really annoying. also people with expired coupons

  4. I worked at the dollar tree and I was always annoyed by those who would ask how much something was...seeing how the whole freakin' concept of the dollar tree is that everything is $1.00! Or, the people who complained about the price...hello! Dollar Tree!  

  5. I had one customer who was the epitome of horrid. She was on her cell phone the ENTIRE time I was trying to ring her up. She had a HUGE transaction and wanted me to tell her the price for every item even though it came up on the screen right in front of her. She had me get price checks on no less than 10 items and when I was finally done I gave her her change (5 something) and she looks at the 5, which had a small tear in the corner and was sort of wrinkly and says to me, honest to God, "Ummmm hun, you need to give me a different bill, this one won't fit in my wallet." Then she goes back to her conversation and says "Yeah, she tried to give me this wrinkly bill, EW."

    My jaw dropped. I ended up changing the bill just so she would go away.

    I'm so glad it was slow that night because she was at my register for almost 15 minutes!

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