
Worst experience at the dentist?

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Worst experience at the dentist?




  1. at college on a work experience a guy came in  who hadnt been 2 the dentist in 8years!!!  dont think he had brushed them for that amount of time either!! i had to hold the suction hose in his mouth with the dentisnt was removing some teeth & the smell was so disgusting i had to ask the other dental nurse to take over so i could go be sick!!!

  2. My partner went for a filing last month and they decided the tooth needed to come out.  An hour and a half in the dentist chair and 7 local anaethetics later and it still wasn't all out, in the end they stitched him up with part of the root still in and sent him home.  He then waited 4 weeks for a hospital appointment to get it taken out!

    Poor lamb was traumatised after!

  3. A Dentist in Wembley , London pulled my older brother and my big back teeth out when we were 9 and 11 . They were both healthy teeth and it was unbelievably pain-full for both of us.

    10 years later I read an article that said that Dentist had been struck off for abusing children's mouths for a very long time.

    In those days they got payed by how many teeth they pulled or fillings they drilled.


  4. My wisdom teeth came through, pressing on the ones forward and breaking one of them, which warranted a trip to the dentist.

    While in the chair, the dentist had a look, said it needed to come out and put the needle THROUGH my gum.  Not pleasant.

  5. i had 2 teeth removed

    i wanted to be sedated

    it took them ages to find a vain so i got really nervous

    the nurse was a right ***** really sarcastic know it all type

    she just grabbed my arm and shoved the needle in

    when i came round she asked me if i wanted a drink and i swat the cup at her face  

  6. having 2 teeth out went home sneezed and they wouldnt stop bleeding had to go back and have them plugged. never forgot that day

  7. When I was 11 i had 7 teeth pulled out because my mouth was over crowded. Yet i feel like pulling out the 7 teeth doesn't hurt as much as braces..

  8. Being there in the first place!

  9. getting told i was going 2 have my tooth bonded(from a cavity) and the dentist did a root canal on me without telling me.. and i was only mayb 15 or 16 years old go figure..

  10. Quite ironik, because i've just gotten back from there.

    You know when they put glue in your mouth, and they use that blue light gun to set it ?

    The dentist put it on my finger nail, i've never felt anything to painful in my life, it was like my finger nail was being melted

  11. actually this is a good question does this count maybe not i had a massive pair of b*****s in my face...? while the nurse was putting a robe on me.

  12. omg

    i was in there and he sed open you mouth and he wasnt english so he made me laugh,

    so when i opened my mouth all i oculd do was laugh n i couldnt stop.

    it was so imbaressing and he told me off.


  13. Ok, I never used to mind the dentist when I was younger, until I was 15….. I had a root canal done at my dentist and thought everything was fine until about 7 months later and I started getting pain in one side of my jaw, then one morning I woke up and my face was swelled out on the left side, I had a massive lump sticking out of my face and it was agony! So I went to a different dentist and the dentist had a look and said ‘I think there’s a bit of food stuck in this tooth’ and pulled it out…but it wasn’t food! The last dentist had not finished my treatment and had basically lest 2 metal pins in my gum and a piece of cotton wool! She hadn’t even put a filling in the tooth! So the dentist yanked this piece of cotton wool out of the tooth, and pulled one of the pins out with it and the pain was that bad that I passed out 3 times and had to drink loads of cups of glucose before they would let me leave. I was in the dentists for over 2 hours! Then I had it all sorted but became very wary of dentists and didn't go to one for years, until I was about 21 (I initially went back because a wisdon tooth had grown into the one next to it and broken it). Luckily I do have healthy teeth so there were no problems other than the wisdom tooth thing and now I’m back to going every 6 months

  14. Getting a tooth with an infection taken out. The tooth was also fractured and in 2 pieces. The thing about infection is it lessens the effect of the anaesthetic so it wasn't completely numbed up. Pretty painful. I was given the option of going away and going on antibiotics for a week to clear the infection up and then getting the tooth out. But I didn't want a loose and painful tooth in my mouth so I said just take it out now.

  15. Unlike most of your other answers I have never experienced any pain at all from a dentist, and if any one does they should scream blue murder, I always get enough local pain killer injected.

                                    True I always come out with a fat lip, and drool a lot, not a pretty sight, but no pain.

                                     So, worse experience?

    I had been on a course of tablets to thin my blood down after an operation, doc told me to make sure I told my dentist about these things, as I would bleed a lot.

                                        I didn't fancy bleeding a lot! (bof a coward like that)  So I never went to the dentist for a year until my tablets ran out.

                                           Right, dentist time , he was quite pleased, he was about to make a fortune!!!

                                              He checked inside my mouth and came up with the solution, his idea was to remove most of my top teeth, I didnt have many left, four extractions , two roots to be removed, and one filling, all could be done in one go.

                                                   Next a set of dentures for my top deck, all this was scheduled over a 5 week period.

                                                     1st trip the extactions and the filling, no pain , no problem, just an extra extra fat lip. And of course a bucket full of drool.

                                                         I was thinking no problem that is the worse part over.

                                                           I went back for this mould thing to be taken for the upper dentures!

    Right that was my worse experience, he was chatting away to me , I was watching him, he was filling this thing that looked like a gum shield with a gunky stuff. "Wont be a minute sir" he said then jammed it up my top gums with his big fat finger, I wanted to puke, I was gagging, "Just another moment sir, tissues please nurse"!

                                       He removed his gear and fat finger and I puked.

                                        He was still smiling as I left, "See you next week sir" he said.

                                        I had two more of these things, each one worse than the last, one was for the plate, another for the 'bite'!

                                          All required a big fat finger thrust  into my mouth followed by my puke.

                                          Never ever again , if I loose these dentures  I'll just face the world gummy.


  16. I got the wrong cavity filled, so i still have the old cavity. Half of my tooth is missing for no reason and i cant eat on that side of my mouth. Its been 2 years.

  17. im always drunk at the dentist. its all good.

  18. when I got a crown and my gums had to be drilled and there was blood everywhere

  19. When the drill slipped and it bored out my eyeball.

  20. Having my wisdom teeth out.

  21. Fillings always hurt for me .

    I mean really bad , lidocaine dosnt even numb my mouth so now they use ARTICIANE !!!!!!!!!!!!


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