
Worst out of these 3 rookie RBs?

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my team has jonathan stewart, kevin smith, and mendnhall, and ive been looking to upgrade my RBs by getting michael turner. however, i would have to drop one of these guys in order to replace a WR that i would be trading away. so which one is the most droppable




  1. smith,mendenhall and stewart are going to be beasts

  2. mendenhall... he has the best starter ahead of him

  3. mendenhall

  4. It's hard to say with great conviction, because they haven't had a single carry in preseason. has them ranked (overall in standard format) as follows:

    Stewart - #54

    Smith - #58

    Mendenhall - #72

    This reflects the "strength" of the incumbent starter for each team.  Mendenhall has Willie Parker, who though coming off a broken league is still a viable fantasy option.

    Smith faces Mr. Fumbles, Tatum Bell.  Stewart will be up against the less-than-durable DeAngelo Williams.

    Of the three, Mendenhall is the most droppable.  However, Michael Turner was  ranked at #29 overall, so he's not exactly a huge upgrade.

    You might consider working with the owners of DeAngelo Williams and/or Tatum Bell and see if you can work something out in a package.

  5. Mendenhall because he's not going to be the starter of that team...  It's fast Willie Parker's job to lose.

  6. when dealing with rookies (michael turner included) you must wait until after the preseason or even until the trade deadline to make any moves at all. the only reason michael turner has value is because LT got injured and turner had a few good games. injuries (whether to the rookie themselves or the starter in front of them) defines their value.

    personally, your rbs are incredibly weak. assuming you are running a standard 2 starting Rb/2 backup rb lineup and you have 1 other decent rb, you need at least 2 of the 4 rookies to pan out to have a chance (2 solid starters, 1 solid backup for bye weeks.)

    the odds of this happening are astronomically against you. for every adrian peterson or willie parker, there's a hundred michael bushes, reggie bushes, cadillac williams, deuce mccallisters, kevin jones, etc. etc. etc.

    so my advice is that you should drop somebody else like a backup QB or TE or DEF and wait and see. odds are there will be some clear indication during the preseason about which player should be dropped. if you are lucky, parker will get injured and then mendenhall will be the clear keeper. or, stewart or kevin smith will get injured, and they will be the clear drop.

  7. mendnhall DUHH and best answer meplz

  8. I would drop Mendenhall and upgrade to Forte, if possible.  This guy's looking at a starting role from day 1 and is an absolute beast and could easily be this year's Adrian Peterson.

  9. Mendenhall, he has the lowest chance to be the starter playing behind Willie Parker.

    Kevin Smith has the best chance to start actually.

  10. All of those guys may have better years than Turner so i wouldn't drop any of them. Turner only did so well in SD because he came into games fresh against a tired worn down D. He has 0 talent around him in Atlanta and he is in for a rude awakening as a starter.

    Mendenhall may have the better season between the 3 guys mentioned above. The Steelers are going to use the pony backfield like they did in the days of Blier and Harris. Mendenhall is the early favorite to be the goal line back as well as the 3rd down back. Given Parkers injury last season,if he is suffering any lingering effects,Mendenhall will be the starter.

  11. I'd drop Smith. Mendhall and Stewart seem to be better and in a better situation.

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