
Worst period experiences ever..?

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Like stories about it. I'm feeling like c**p right now and I'd love to laugh a little bit. I'll tell you my story too.

I had gotten my period the day I was out of town at my friends lake house, so I had used her tampons that she had in the bathroom. I didnt know that my flow was going to be that heavy so I put in a regular one. We went out on a boat so go tubing. Everything was fine until I came back onto the boat and we were all sitting there. (4 girls and 4 guys) and all of a sudden I see little trail of water coming from my swim suit thats tinted orange. I figured no one had noticed and we were going back to shore anyway so I just ignored it. After about 5 minutes my friend yells, OMG your butt is bleeding! Of course, it was NOT my butt and so all the guys were like AH! Luckily I have awesome friends and they were just like oh its ok, but I was mortified.

Now thats always a funny story that comes up when we are together.

Ok, your turn!




  1. One of my most embarrassing incidents happened at home.  I had flushed a tampon down the toilet in our downstairs bathroom. Well, aparently, that ened up not being a good idea as it clogged up our system. Not knowing this, my parents called a plumber...who happened to pull out  several of my used tampons with his pole type type of thing.  This was followed by the statement relating to the lines of "someone's been flushing tampons down here!" He came out a few minutes later, being able to tell that it was me who was the guilty culprit as I was beat red with embarrassment.  

  2. lol i got my period at a REALLY young age (8) and i was in 4th grade.

    i didnt quite know what was going on and didnt pay much attention to it. one day i was wearing a pad andi didnt have it on right. i had on light tanish jeans and it had bled right through. it sucked really badly. i had gotten home and i was walking out of the bathroom and i happened to notice a HUGE red blood stain all over my butt.

    i guess i had been waslking around like that all day. it sucked pretty bad then but i laugh about it noww

  3. mine isnt that bad, but on the first day of school, i started my period for the first time! yeah thats right! the other day! :D

  4. ughhhh I was in 7th grade and I was having a horrible *** day at school..

    I didnt know what all these symptoms were lol so then i get up and this girl is like screaming


    mind you i had some khaki colored pants on GRRRR

    well there was only 2 ppl in the classroom cus we were switching classes.. then another girl had asked to use the bathroom

    and i was like NONONONO i have to pee really bad LOL

    and i told the teacher wat happened

    and sadly the girl who had to go to the bathroom didnt like me at all

    so the teacher was like let her(me) go she has her period


    and wen i came back in the class it got like silent !!!!


    i felt so dumb like one of thsoe moments everybody knew.. so after i sat down everybody just laughed and laughed

    it was horrible at the time but now its funny lol

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