
Worst pitcher to throw a perfect game and the best pitcher who never did?

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Worst pitcher to throw a perfect game and the best pitcher who never did?




  1. The worst pitcher to throw a perfect game is Kenny Rogers.

    The best to never throw one.  IDK.  If you think about who the best pitcher is of all time, chances are he never threw a perfecto because they are so rare.

  2. Len Barker has got to be on the short list for the worst who threw a perfect game. He did have a 19 win season and a 15 win season, but he was mediocre or worse the rest of his career. He is a sub-.500 pitcher. David Wells is a Hall of Famer compared to Barker.

    The second part of your question is kind of stupid. More great pitchers haven't thrown them than have. There have only been 17 total in the history of the game.

  3. in the past 130 odd years there have only been 17 official perfect games.  Any pitcher that can do it is "great".  charlie robertson, don larsen, and len barker all pitched a perfect game but had sub 500 career records.

    Cy young or sandy koufax was the best to ever do it.

    The best to never do it was bob gibson or warren spahn

  4. david wells was the worst

    johan santana is up on the list even though he still is playing

  5. In terms of the worst to ever throw one, that would have to be Charlie Robertson, who finished his career about 30 games below .500. As for the best never to throw one, that is too hard a question to answer, as so few have been thrown. Walter Johnson is probably the best of the very many who didn't have one.

  6. Len Barker was the worst who did.

    Lefty Grove was the best who didn't.

  7. Worst - Mike Witt

    Best - Clemens?

  8. Len Barker

    career record of 74-76 i believe, and not even 1000 Ks over a 12 year career. had 2 good years (1980 he had 19 Wins and an AL nomination and 1981 pitched the perfect game) that was it

    Best to not get one there are plenty, but i think Mike Mussina deserves one..He was one out away from throwing a perfect game (in Boston!) against the RedSox when Carl Everett broke it up in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs

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