
Worst tasting food you have ever tasted that someone loves?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Bananas! like every1 loves them but I hate them

  2. Beef Liver !!!      NASTY !!!

    When I was little, my parents tried to trick me and said it was steak....I didn't fall for that one !

  3. Caviar!  To me, it's just nasty but I know there are millions of people out there that think it's a delicacy. Goat Eye Balls are a delicacy too, but that doesn't mean we all like them. Fun question, thanks!

  4. beef kebab sux

  5. oysters, yuck!!

  6. mayonnaise, liver, tapioca pudding, and okra!

    oh god, plz keep it all away! :)

  7. i know a lot of people who love olives, but i cannot ABIDE them. seriously. i try really hard to explain to people just how much i hate even the idea of them, but nobody believes me because they think it's a weird thing to hate...oh well, it's just me i guess :-p

    also - i'm cringing at the thought of how many thumbs-down this will get, haha - i think lobster is really nasty! sorry!

  8. ohh I love love... kimchi!!!   tho it sink.

      I hate  Liver and   gizzard/..

  9. Shark. Blecht!

  10. durian fruit =)

  11. Slim Jims. ::  retch ::

  12. Liver - and considering some of the places I've eaten that's saying a LOT!

  13. kimchi!!! its nasty but my asian roommate cant live without it and she got a funny smell on her all the time

  14. SPINACH! My friends can eat it by the truck load and I HATE IT!

  15. horshradish sauce from arby's, tripe, liver, meatloaf

  16. Bitter cucumber... very popular stuff in SE Asia. I have no idea how my mom could love that stuff!

  17. Sushi..nauseating to me, but I know people who love it a lot.  Oh well.

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